Some of you say, “We can do whatever we want to!” But I tell you that not everything may be good or helpful. We should think about others and not about ourselves…
When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God…
I always try to please others instead of myself, in the hope that many of them will be saved.
1 Corinthians 10:23-24, 31, 33 (CEV)
Are Christians really free? What does that mean for how we can and should act? How do our emotions play into our freedoms and actions?
These tough questions play out for us every day in the decisions we make.
More specifically, there are many areas of our lives that get ignored, glossed over, over emphasized, or vandalized – and that shouldn’t be!
In our new sermon series, “It’s OK to … but …”, we are going to take a look at some of the important and practical issues every Christian faces and see what they mean for us as followers of Jesus.
The topics we will cover are, “It’s OK to … but …”
- Be Angry
- Grieve
- Doubt
- Be Hurt
- Have Sex
- Drink Alcohol
- Be a Democrat/Republican
Join us each week – in person or online! – as we explore these important areas of freedom and duty!