Daniel Heitshusen goes through Revelation chapters 4-11.
Today we cover Revelation 4-11. We’ll be looking at God’s throne, the Lamb of God, the 7 Seals, and the 7 Trumpets… All in under an hour!
Feel free to follow along in your own Bible or on your own tablet, phone, etc.
Links used:
- World English Bible, Teaching Bible: wolfmueller.co/teachingbible/
- Bible Gateway (ESV): biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+4&version=ESV
- Bible Gateway (WEB; used in video): biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+4&version=WEB
- “Sevens in Revelation” PDF downloadable here: issuesetc.org/2010/03/02/tuesday-march-2-2010/