Come and be with us to celebrate the ultimate Love and true freedom we all have through The Resurrection of Jesus!
Sunday, April 9, 2023
We will have a Pancake Breakfast that morning at 8:30 AM (no Adult Bible Class that day) and an Easter Egg Hunt following around 9:30 AM. Then Worship at 10:00 AM.
Join us!
More information about the Resurrection of Jesus celebrated on Easter from:
This is the great shout for Easter; the highest day on the Church calendar!
On this day we celebrate the victory of Jesus over sin, death, and the power of the devil. All that He went through and endured is over and exultation and joy remain.
And for all who have faith in Jesus as their savior gain the same victories He won! Our sins are gone and forgiveness takes its place. Death is gone and everlasting life takes its place. Pain and anguish are bound to this life only and joy eternal awaits.
The resurrection of Jesus is the sole event to which all of history hinges. All of the old testament points to its coming and all since draws meaning in the light of it.
If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.
1 Corinthians 15:17
Without the resurrection everything else would be pointless and moot!
Come and be with us to celebrate this greatest day of the year and see how Jesus, though His resurrection, changes everything – for you!
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