We have great, inexpressible reason to praise God!

For forgiveness, life, and salvation won for us by Jesus through the cross and empty tomb is more than we deserve or could even fairly imagine!

It is a living hope that is realized and assured through faith in Him!

But that doesn’t mean that everything will always be easy while here on earth. Just because we live in the reality of the resurrection doesn’t mean the reality of a fallen world doesn’t still plague us.

We are assured of trials, heartaches, and persecution. We are guaranteed of persecution and testing of our faith.

That’s not only ok, but we rejoice in those trials, too! Scripture tells us that “the tested genuineness of [our] faith” is “more precious hat gold!”

Trials and testing won’t be pleasant, but through endurance they cannot change Christ’s victory and our salvation!

Praise God!


  • Psalm 148
  • 1 Peter 1:3-9
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