On Sunday, October 29, 2023, following worship (around 11:15/11:30am), LifeBridge will hold its annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
Information and agenda items will appear below as they become available (so check back often).
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
LifeBridge Special Voters’ Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2023
Call to Order – President Dale Leland called the meeting to order.
Opening Prayer – Pastor Scott Heitshusen opened the meeting with prayer.
Approval of Minutes Annual Meeting on October 30, 2022 – Jan Heitshusen made a motion to approve the October 30, 2022 Voters’ Meeting Minutes. Second by Jesus Sanchez. Motion passed.
Description and Explanation of Why We’re Here – Becky Jungklaus will soon complete her Deaconess program and will be ready for a call. LifeBridge Community Church could extend a call to Becky if approved by the congregation. There would be no funds associated with this call for LifeBridge. Becky would be raise her own funds. LifeBridge would be Becky’s home base; however, her ASL ministry could have her working as a missionary at large. A call by LifeBridge would put Becky on the list of LCMS trained ASL Deaconesses. A motion was made by Angie Wolfe that LifeBridge Community Church extend a call to Becky Jungklaus as a Deaconess. Second by Jason Wolfe. Motion passed.
“Open Ear”/Open Floor – President Leland asked if there were any topics not covered that needed to be discussed. None were presented.
Call for Adjournment – Mary Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Second by Angie Wolfe. Motion passed.
Closing Prayer – Pastor Scott closed with the Doxology.
Sherri Santoro
LifeBridge Community Church
Nominating Task Force Presentation & Elections
Current Election Information
Current Nominees
- President: Vic Grisbee
{Has agreed to serve on an interim basis until someone else steps up.} - Secretary: Sherri Santoro (incumbent)
- Elder Position 1: Wayne Heitshusen (incumbent)
- Elder Position 3: Giles Montgomery (incumbent)
- Elder Position 5: Brad Biss (incumbent)
- Elder Position 7: Pastor Dale Leland
- {Treasurer: Mary is continuing to serve, but would still like to find a replacement!}
Nominations from the Floor
Board Reports
President: The Rev. Dale Leland
Head Elder
Treasurer: Mary Abbott-Gray
One of LifeBridge’s Foundational Principles is “to give 15% or more of the Church’s income for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.”
The following is a summary of what LifeBridge has given away for this effort since 2015!
We praise God for the honor and privileged of helping and serving others!