Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12
What’s wrong with wanting to feel good about yourself? Shouldn’t we have a strong sense of self-esteem? And if we’ve worked hard and earned position, why not have it attributed to us?
This is true, to a point. But we need to be aware of something: Conceit is easy. Humility is difficult.
Pride is oneself can easily displace glory that should be given to God. If we are wanting point to look up to us instead of to our heavenly Father, that’s a problem. If we want people to receive wisdom from us instead of God’s holy, inerrant Word, that’s a problem. If we want people to look to us instead of to Jesus, that’s a problem.
We must never get in the way of people seeing, seeking, and pursuing God. When we share, we share Christ, not us. When we teach, we teach Scripture, not us. When we seek glory, it is for God, not us.
And in so doing, they are edified and God is glorified!
It’s not about us. It’s always about the Lord! May He be praised! Always!
- James 4:10
- Philippians 2:3
- Matthew 23:1-12