Transfiguration Sunday is an interesting celebration. We harken back to Moses on Mt. Sinai, speaking face to face with God and Jesus being transfigured before Peter, James, and John, with Moses and Elijah on a mountain top.
[Jesus] was transfigured before them, and His clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them.
Mark 9:2b-3
When Moses was in God’s presence, he radiated God’s glory. People couldn’t help but notice the difference that enveloped him. – And they didn’t like it! They didn’t want to hear from Moses – at least not directly. They feared the change. They tried to put off the messenger.
Peter, James, and John didn’t have that same reaction. Rathen than be put-off, they were confounded and confused. They didn’t know how to react to this transformation and or understand what it really meant.
So here’s a question: with whom do we identify? Are we like the Israelites, who fear the glory of God and only somewhat reluctantly follow Him out of fear? Are we like the three apostles who are happy to do something but really no idea what or why? Or are we like Moses, who went to commune with God, listen to Him, and carry His message, His radiance, His glory to those around – regardless of how they may take it?
The fact is, through faith in Jesus we are joined to Him; the One who was transfigured; the One who transfigures us! We are changed, forever! We have His Message of Salvation! We have His glory! We shine with His radiance!
Others should see that! It should have an impact on all those we encounter! We have been saved by the Light of the world, and we are to shine like starts with Him; always!
May we be bold in that calling, and always point to Jesus through it all, so that His saving glory may show the Way to a people still in darkness!
Shine on and through us, O Lord!
- Exodus 34:29-35
- Mark 9:2-0