The Bible is full of humor. Jesus does a lot of things that are funny, like in today’s reading. He took some time by himself to pray, but when he was done, He went to meet up with the disciples by walking on the water. Not only that, but He was going to “pass by them” before they saw Him. As if to walk past them without them realizing and getting to the destination before them!
When they saw Him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out, for they all saw Him and were terrified. But immediately He spoke to them and said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”
Mark 6:49-50
As terrified and astounding as it was to see Jesus walking on the water, I imagine they would also have been shocked to find Him at the destination before them when he had no way of getting there. And Jesus just kind of does this casually, as if it’s just a beautiful night for a stroll.
We can take miracles of Jesus as something that can be terrifying or astounding or shocking. But for Jesus, it’s just a regular, everyday, beautiful thing. Miracles are out of the ordinary for us, but they are ordinary for Him.
We should remember that. He’s got us and we don’t need to worry.
“Take heart; it is [Jesus]. Do not be afraid!”
“We take heart, O Lord! Thank You for making each day extraordinary through faith in You!”
- Psalm 136:1–9
- Mark 6:45–53