“The whole congregation of the people…grumbled against Moses and Aaron.”
When the people of Israel saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, “It is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.
Exodus 16:15 (ESV)
Ah, the Israelites! Let us shake our head in disbelief. Constantly seeing God’s grace, provision, and providence and yet, time and again, questioning, rebelling, and grumbling!
It’s it great that we aren’t like that at all!
Of course, we are like that – all the time.
In our text, God has just brought the people of Israel out of Egypt, the land of their slavery for 400 years, with a mighty hand and outstretched arm. They saw miracle after miracle of God’s protection and deliverance. And yet…they rebel and grumble! Today’s gripe? Food.
They complain that they preferred being slaves with full bellies than freedom as God’s people with His provisions.
But God continues to provide through it all! In our reading, He provides “manna,” what the Israelites originally asked, “what is it?”
Granted, not the most diverse diet for their forty years, but they would not go hungry! God provided what was needed (even if it wasn’t what they wanted).
There are many jokes made about the taste (or lack thereof) of the wafers in Holy Communion. They have been compared to “styrofoam” or “cardboard.”
Clearly, not “Taste of Texas!”
But what is received is far more important! Far more satisfying! Far more sustaining!
The Israelites received bread that sustained their lives and focused them on God.
In Holy Communion, we received bread joining with God in Jesus that not only sustains our lives here, but forgives our sins and gives us a foretaste of Heaven itself!
“What is it?”
“We thank You, Lord, for the Heavenly food of Holy Communion, where we receive and know that You are God! Grant us graciousness, not grumbling, for all Your miracles of grace through Jesus, Your Son, our Lord!”
- Exodus 16:2-15
- Psalm 145:10-21