“The things that come out of a person are what defile him.” (Mark 7:15)
That’s what Jesus said. And, boy, do a lot of defiled things come out of us!
The things that come out of a person are what defile him.
Mark 7:15
There is a phrase that was popular when I studies programming many moons ago: “GIGO!” It stands for “Garbage in. Garbage out.” If you aren’t careful with the inputs, your outputs will be of no use.
We certainly need to be cautious of what we take in: what we watch, persons we hang around with, things we read, and the like. They affect us. But it is what comes from us that is a reflection, not only of what we take in externally, but the sate of our hearts and mind, too; and those are affected most of all by how closely they are aligned with Jesus and the Scriptures.
If our heart and mind are defiled, we will output defilement, and desire to take in more defiled things! It is a vicious circle.
And the way to stop it? We need a new heart and mind. Cleansed. Focused on Him. Desiring and spewing forth His grace, His forgiveness, His righteousness, His mercy; Him!
And we can’t change our hearts and minds. We need God to do it for us. To rid us of the filth and vileness that stains and defines us and exchanged for a heart and mind that eagerly desires and pursues His heart; His mind; His will; His ways!
“Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right Spirit within us. Grant that we are so desiring of You we take in that which is good, right, and proper, and radiate out all that is holy, and just, and true! In Jesus’ Name. Amen!”
- Psalm 51:1-12
- Mark 7:14-23