Jesus essentially called a woman a “dog,” and she didn’t disagree!

She answered [Jesus], “Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

Mark 7:28


Unfortunately, that’s focus for many in today’s reading.

But what most miss is the incredible faith of this woman – acknowledged and praised by Jesus, and the healing of her little daughter!

The Matthian account adds that Jesus said, “O woman, great is your faith!”

Jesus came first and foremost to the lost of Israel. That wasn’t this woman – or us! We are like the dogs in this story, too!

Yet what the woman received was the same thing Israel received; the same thing we receive – the Grace of God! Even crumbs of His grace is more than sufficient for us and our salvation!

There are some forms that ask for race or ethnicity. Sometimes I just put “European Mutt” to throw them off. But mutts are faithful and lovable (like me?)!

I don’t mind being a dog like the woman in today’s story. In fact, I relish even the crumbs of Grace God lets me have every day! Through faith, those crumbs are all I will ever need to supply what I need here and for life everlasting! His grace and mercy are that overflowing; that amazing; that salvific; that living!

Today we have a baptism, too. Like all baptisms, it matters not how much water is there; whether a trickle or an immersion. However much is used – like crumbs – is more than enough for all of God’s salvation Grace to cover us for life everlasting!

Gracious Lord, thank You for Your amazing Grace shown to us each and every day; whether they be crumbs or an overflowing of baptismal waters! Grant us the desire for You all our days! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”


  • Mark 7:24-30
  • Psalm 146
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