There is a lot to unpack in today’s reading, and we can’t and won’t cover all of it. But the basics go something like this: our hearts go after and desire all kinds of things to fulfill our passions and glory to satisfy our pride.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

James 4:7-8

Our hearts are far from God, even through His heart is with us.

He is jealous for us. That’s why Jesus came, suffered, dies, and rose; so that we could be with Him forever. Yet for reasons beyond comprehension, that isn’t enough for us. We want more. We want to satisfy our ‘bitter jealousy,’ ‘selfish ambition,’ and ‘passions’ instead of being utterly and completely devoted to and desiring of Him.

How foolish!

We need to repent! We need to “mourn and weep.” We need to return to Him in humility and with a new, clean heart. We need to “draw near to God,” desiring Him only and let the rest fall away.

That is impossible for us on our own, but it is so much easier when we see His heart seeks us out; His life given for ours; His love shown through acts of sacrifice. His heart is with us! He has already drawn near to ours – and He wants ours to draw near to Him! When we repent, turn, and draw near to Him, we see Him closer and more satisfying of all our wants and needs than we ever thought possible!

“Forgive us, Lord, for hearts that haven’t desired or sought You. Break us and turn us back to You and let all other things fall away. Move us to draw near to You in everything at all times and, in so doing, see You, Your heart, Your love, and Your mercy, through Jesus! In His precious name, amen!”


  • James 3:113-18
  • James 4:1-10
  • Jeremiah 29:13
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