But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

John 4:14 (ESV)

On July 10, David Fait had the amazing privilege of sharing Christ and bringing water to villages in Malawi in Africa. (He also got to summit Mount Kilimanjaro and go on Safari, seeing God’s creation through new eyes.)

Now he’s going on his second Clean Water Climb,” this time to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal. While the mountain and continent have changed, the mission remains the same – fundraising to bring both the Living Water (Jesus) and clean drinking water to villages in Malawi! The impact that visiting two villages and repairing two water wells had on me in July was immense, and he is eager to continue the mission through this second climb. (Of course, he is also looking forward to exploring God’s beauty in Nepal with another group of men this November.)

Even as his team was driving into Malawian villages, the women and children began to sing and dance just at the thought of them coming to repair their local well – they were celebrating when they hadn’t even done anything yet! In each village they not only repaired the well but also told Bible stories leading to over 60 people coming to know Jesus!

Fortunately, these efforts are ongoing year-round as long as the funds are available for repair kits and crew; each repair costs $1,600. Through the generosity of so many like you, we were able to fund 6+ well repairs as a result of his Kilimajaro trip this summer. Now is an opportunity to keep that going!

David has revised my goal up to a total of $16,000, aiming to raise an additional $5,000+ prior to his November climb. This would fund an additional 3+ wells and bring the total to 10 villages that would have clean drinking water and have the opportunity to hear the Gospel!

While he will again be funding his own trip, he is asking you to prayerfully consider joining with him in both prayer and raising funds to support the work of repairing water wells in Malawi. If you have donated previously, he is extremely grateful for your support and would welcome you to come alongside once more! For those who may have missed out the first climb, here is another chance to take part in changing lives!

If you are so inclined, please consider donating via the link below or mailing a check to his home, made out to:

Clean Water Climb
19 Crested Cloud Court
Spring, TX 77380


Also, while it has not been on the front page of local news, you may have seen that Nepal has recently experienced traumatic flooding with deaths in the hundreds. As you pray for our Clean Water Climb, please also be praying for the people suffering from these floods as well as the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

Thank you all for your continued support!

David Fait

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