“Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10:15
I think sometimes we equate that with entering with tantrums, trying to get our way, and have everything the way we want! We mistake child-like with childish.
Of coure that’s not what’s meant.
Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.
Mark 10:15
It means loving God in a way that He is the center of our universe and where, in our eyes, He can do no wrong. It means trusting God, knowing He will take care of us no matter what, forever. It means fearing and respecting Him, knowing He is God and we are not and that, no matter what, His way will always prevail.
When we take our faith in a childish way instead of child-like, we expect things to revolve around us and not God.
One of the ways we do this is in how we plan and deal with our “legacy.” How will I be celebrated when I pass? How will I be remembered? How will my name – how will I live on?
How foolish! How juvenile! How childish!
What people do to “celebrate us” after we pass is fleeting. Whether or not people remember us is irrelevant. Whether or not our name ‘lives’ on is ridiculous.
Whether or not people celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin, death, and the devil is what endures. Whether or not people remember Jesus is what is all relevant! Whether we do all we can to let people know that Jesus and His name alone lives is what is all important!
Our whole goal in life and death should be knowing, living, and sharing Jesus! He should be our focus in legacy.
And the beautiful thing is, through faith in Him, we already have the best, everlasting, beautiful legacy we could imagine – Heaven with Him! He makes our lives here worth living and our lives hereafter guaranteed!
Why do we need people to celebrate us when the angels celebrate our repentance and return to Him? Why do we want or need others to remember us when God does? Why do we need our names written large on tombstones or buildings when they are already written on the palm of His hand?
Through faith in Jesus, we already have the perfect legacy for all time – Jesus! Celebrate, remember, and share Him, with a child-like, and enduring faith!
“We thank You, Lord, for the perfect, lasting gift of Jesus, who has forgiven our sins and given us His name as a guarantee of the legacy of Heaven that awaits! Grant us Your Spirit to celebrate, live and share Him so their everlasting legacy is secured, too. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
- Mark 10:13-16
- Psalm 128