There is a lot in Scripture that is difficult to accept; difficult to believe. There is a lot that is at odds with what our reason or what our society says. There is a lot of difference between what God’s heart tells us as shared in His Word and what our own hearts tell us.

Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.

Hebrews 3:12

As Shakespeare put it, “there’s the rub!”We seem to constantly be comparing the two – God’s way or ours. God’s Word or ours. God’s heart or ours.

And with any seeming “win” we think we have in these situations there is something else which accompanies it – the path toward evil; toward destruction; toward death.Having a heart that believes God in one thing but denies in anther is grossly inconsistent, spiritually dangerous, and disastrously foolish.

Yet we seem comfortable – even desirable – of that dichotomy.
Brothers and sisters, this must not be!

When there is a difference between God and us – our heart and His, His must win! Always! In every area!

It’s ok to feel and know there is tension between the two, but when it comes down to it, God calls on us to have a heart that fully fears, loves, and trusts in Him regardless of how we feel about it. He calls us to follow His will and directions, even when they conflict with what we think it best. He calls us to have a heart that believes in His love and salvation in Jesus over and against anything else that we may believe.

And here’s something beautiful: He knows that we have a hard time with this, so what He demand of our heart, He freely gives! Through the Holy Spirit, our hearts are turned to Him in faith; turned to Jesus in salvation; turned to Him in obedience.

We will continue to have doubting hearts at times. There will continue to be tension at times, and God knows that. But in those times of uncertainly and doubt; those times of a difference in our hearts, look to Jesus on the cross and to the empty tomb and believe! Take the next steps in faith through the Holy Spirit, even in the doubt. Live in the believing heart of faith He gives and strengthens us with constantly!

Acknowledge the tension but move forward with a believing heart in faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


  • Hebrews 3:12-19
  • Mark 10:17-22
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