The holidays are stressful. There always seems to be the recurring fear of not being or doing enough; of having the perfect gathering, creating the right core memories, or picking the impeccable gift.
When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.
Matthew 17:6-8
Our fear can paralyze us.
Peter, James, and John certainly felt that at the Transfiguration. They experience a literal “mountaintop experience” and instead of being overcome by the joy and awe of the experience, they are struck with All-encompassing fear; fear that drives them to the ground!
These “big three” disciples of Jesus, handpicked by Him, are struck with fear. Likely not just at the event, but also their own unworthiness at being there.
Did it pass through their minds that perhaps Jesus made a mistake in His choices? Did this Chosen One, whom they just saw with Moses and Elijah, not get that they would fail him and make colossal mistakes?
But Jesus leans down, touches them, and encourages them, “Don’t be afraid.”
Jesus knew. He knew these imperfect disciples. He knows the imperfect you and me. He knows we fail – greatly and often. During the holidays and all other times of the year.
“Don’t be afraid.”
He has already covered all our failures; all our shortcomings; all our sins. So stand up, take in His majesty and glory this season and rather than fear your failures, revel in His victory, in His beauty, in His mercy! Revel in Him!
“Don’t be afraid,” He says – to you and me. This season and always; from now through eternity!
Praise the Lord!
- Matthew 17:1-8