Today is Transfiguration Sunday when we hear of a literal “mountain-top experience” that had to be far beyond the descriptions we get in today’s and the parallel accounts.
A voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to Him!”
Luke 9:35
In all of the accounts we hear of Peter’s (misguided) suggestion to build three tents; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
Also in all three the disciples do not tell anyone of the event for the time being. (Jesus commands this in Matthew and Mark.)
So, Peter seems to want to stay on the mountain and, when he does have to come down, can’t talk about it right away. Hmmm.
Perhaps we have more in common with Peter than we care to admit!
We like to have the “mountain-top experiences” and don’t want to come down from them and we don’t seem to want to share the majesty, glory, beautiful, reality of our life because of Jesus with others.
We have been to the mountain-top through faith in Jesus, God’s Son, and are to “listen to Him,” share Him, and live in that reality.
We are to live the transfigured lives we have been given – a life where we have been forgiven of all our sins, share in the Sacraments of the Lord, have joy, comfort, and power through the Holy Spirit, and the reality of eternal life in God’s presence!
God wants us to realize that reality daily; share it constantly; live it confidently!
Our decent from the ‘mountain’ isn’t so that we are relegated to the valleys as a kind of torture after having been to the Top; it’s to live in the joy we have knowing what is ours in Jesus forever, sharing for others to ascend, and knowing our eternal reality will climb even higher than we can imagine!
We are to live transfigured because we are transfigured! We are share Jesus who transfigures so others can be transfigured!
Let’s “shout it from the mountain-top!”
“Thank You, Jesus, for dying and rising for our forgiveness and everlasting life! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for filling us with peace, joy, power, and love! Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son; help us ‘listen to Him,’ share Him, live in Him! In Jesus’ name; Amen!”
- 1 Corinthians 15:21-34
- Psalm 103:1-13 {Confession & Absolution}