Are you looking to be a member of LifeBridge? Are you looking at having your youth confirmed? Are you looking to get to know Jesus better or the core doctrines found in Holy Scripture?

Then come to our New Member/Confirmation Classes on Sunday afternoons!

We’ll meet from 2:00-4:00pm at LifeBridge. We’ll go through Rev. Paul Schult’s book, “Getting to Know Jesus” over the Sunday afternoons below. (We’ll find make-up dates as/if needed.)

  1. December 9
  2. December 16
  3. January 6
  4. January 13
  5. January 20
  6. January 27

Join us and get to know Jesus and other wonderful people at the same time during this class!

{It would help us out if you could get the book for you/your family to use; however, if that is an issue, please let Pastor Scott know and we will order one for you.}

Questions? Contact Pastor Scott.
(713) 965-6761 [mobile]

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