One Sunday, October 27, following worship, LifeBridge will hold it’s annual Voter’s Meeting.

Besides a pastoral report (including items related to the Strategic Plan), we will approve a 2020 operating budget and elect members to the Board of Directors.

In regard to the Board of Directors, there are three positions which will be open and are available for nominations. They are:

If you are a LifeBridge member and have a desire to serve in one of these capacities or would like to nominate another LifeBridge member for one of them, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee. The members are:

  • Vice President David Pacher (Chair)
  • Mr. Vic Grisbee
  • Mrs. Norma Summers
  • Mrs. Angie Wolfe
  • Elder Brackston Nutt
  • Mr. David Penner

Thank you and God bless!

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