Starting this Lent, LifeBridge will engage in “OPERATION FREEDOM: Be The Light!” The first endeavor of this LifeBridge ministry will take place this Lenten season as we conduct a community service project to fill “GoBags” to aid the victims of human trafficking in Houston.
What is a “GoBag”
Rescue America works with victims of sex trafficking, providing emergency rescue services and helps to reintegrate victims back into society. These bags will go to these victims to help in this process. LifeBridge will work with The Freedom Church Alliance (who supplies the bags and many more resources for the Church to fight the scourge of sex trafficking) to collect the needed supplies and help many victims.
Our goal is 75 bags and will run from Sunday, March 1, until Easter, Sunday, April 12.
See below for a card with the contents needed for each bag. PLEASE NOTE THE BAG COLORS/SIZES and PUT IN ALL AND ONLY THOSE ITEMS LISTED. No changes or substitutions, please.
Along with the bags, our sermon series for Lent will also touch on some of the many facets of human trafficking and what our Call, as followers of Jesus, means in the context of this needed fight!
Thank you for being a part of the solution to fight human trafficking!
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