Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

We heard last week about being ready because the end really could be anytime and living as godly people every day. Today is similar but there is the added appeal: “encourage one another and build one another up.”

Let’s face it: life is already difficult. The end days will be difficult. Every day brings difficulties. That’s just as true for Christians. Just because we believe in Jesus doesn’t mean everything “comes up roses.” In fact, for some Christians – especially those in countries of persecution – being in Christ brings tremendous challenges.
So we are to help one another through it. We are to encourage each other. We are to “build up” each other.

I’d say, we know that with our head, but many times you would think there is no difference in the way Christians deal with each other as those who aren’t believers. There is gossip, backstabbing, hurt feelings and not just a lack of encouragement, but active discouragement!

May this not be!

We are one Body in Christ! One! We are to love and depend on one another; not just because it makes living and sharing in this life bearable, but because not doing so discourages others from believing and inheriting eternal life at all!

Far be it from us to take part in this!

So let’s think about those who need building up and contact them with some encouragement today. Think about those with whom you have a chilly relationship and reach out to them with a word of humility.

Because this is how the Lord deals toward us in Jesus. This is how He has called us to act. This is how the world sees a differentiation between how we deal with each other and the way the rest of the world does. This is how we are to live as children of Light and not as children of this dark age.

We are in Christ Jesus! Let us, in Faith, live it in the way we treat one another. They way we encourage one another. The way we build each other up in Jesus!
In His name and for His glory!


  • 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
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