Human Trafficking has become an epidemic. Modern slavery of individuals in all walks of life and all areas and neighborhoods in the world.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod also has some good summary information on trafficking here:
Mrs. Keeya Vawar, introduced at NYG, is one of the many victims of this heinous sin. We have been blessed to have her with us at the Gathering as well as being available to discuss her story in the exhibition area. Furthermore, she has written a book about her experience and account titled, “One Thousand Elsewhere: A True Survivor Story.” It is available on Kindle, Paperback, or Hardcover at: It would be of great value to you and of support for her to get, read, and share this wonderful resource.
Below are some simple resources to help you become educated about, be prepared for, and learn to fight this terrible scourge.
Deaconess Tiffany Manor:
LifeMinistry@lcms.orgKeeya Vawar:
(469) 879-5889
info@keeyavawar.comPastor Scott Heitshusen:
(713) 965-6761 [c]
What is Human Trafficking?
“Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.”
- The Department of Homeland Security has a great infographic about trafficking.
- The Polaris Project also has some great information.
- The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has a very good summary information sheet document available here.
What are Some Signs of Trafficking?
This is a list of signs or “red flags” that might indicate that sex trafficking is occurring. (From the Office of the Attorney General of Texas)
- Person seems overly fearful, submissive, tense, or paranoid.
- Person is deferring to another person before giving information.
- Person has physical injuries or branding such as name tattoos on face or chest, tattoos about money and sex, or pimp phrases.
- Clothing is inappropriately sexual or inappropriate for weather.
- Minor is unaccompanied at night or falters in explaining who they are with and what they are doing.
- Identification documents are held by another.
- Person works long or excessive hours or is always available “on demand.”
- Overly sexual for age or situation.
- Multiple phones or social media accounts.
- Signs of unusual wealth without explanation—new jewelry, shoes, phones without any known form of income.
- Person lives in a “massage” business or is not free to come and go.
What are the Most Common Online Dangers?
- Engaging in sexual conversation/role-playing as a grooming method, rather than a goal.
- Asking the child for sexually explicit images of themselves or mutually sharing images.
- Developing a rapport through compliments, discussing shared interests or “liking” their online post, also known as grooming.
- Sending or offering sexually explicit images of themselves.
- Pretending to be younger.
- Offering an incentive such as a gift card, alcohol, drugs, lodging, transportation or food.
Biggest Offenders:
- Snapchat
- MeetMe
- Bumble
- LiveMe
- Grindr
- TikTok
- Holla
- Skout
- Kik
- Hot or Not
- Twitch
- Discord
From Child Sex Trafficking and Technology – A Parent’s Guide
What Can I Do to Help?
Learn More About the Issue
- The State Department:
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services:
Report Trafficking
If you suspect that trafficking is taking place, report it! You can do so through the National Human Trafficking Hotline —
- PHONE: 888-3737-888
- TEXT: “BeFree” (233733)
- URL:
Educate Others
Don’t just let the issue rest with you and what you know. Help others learn about it and take action as well.
William Wilberforce, who was instrumental in the abolition of slavery in the United Kingdom in 1833 once said, “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” Don’t let the issue rest with you. Do something – whether that be educating others or something else.
Below are even more resources to help you as you drive deeper into both this issue and some of the root causes of trafficking.
More Information // Other Organizations // Other Resources
- National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)
- Rescue America
- Love146 — This organization is for the training of leaders (teachers, school counselors, ministry and organization leaders.
- Resources for dealing with Pornography (as root cause of Sex Trafficking):
- Childproof America
- Fight the New Drug
- Celebrate Recovery — (Not specific to porn addiction, but includes it and is Christian based.)
- her.Bible app: Have you been longing to hear God’s Word in women’s voices? Listen anywhere you go on your mobile device. Connect with God’s heart for you. Let His words of peace comfort you through multi-ethnic readers.