Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

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Fellowship Luncheon for Missions

Come get a great lunch and support missions at LifeBridge!

Here are the details:

WHATFellowship Luncheon for Missions
WHENSunday, February 23
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERELifeBridge Café
COSTFree-Will Offering
MENUPork Sandwiches
Easton’s 1st Place Chili
Chicken Spaghetti
WHYRaise monies for LifeBridge folks going on mission trips next summer
CONTACTAngie at 979/627-5817

“from GENESIS to JESUS” — A Lenten Series

Genesis tells us of the beginning; creation, beauty, and then the Fall. It tells us of the need for a Savior who would restore what He made and gave.

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.

Genesis 3:15 (ESV)

This Lent we will look at a part of the Genesis account and tie it to Jesus. We will start with Ash Wednesday and go through Easter. Our journey will include:

  • “Reduction” on Ash Wednesday (March 5)
  • “Requirement” (March 9)
  • “Rebellion” (March 16)
  • “Ramifications” (March 23)
  • “Repentance” (March 30)
  • “Redemption” (April 6)
  • “Rejoicing” on Palm/Passion Sunday (April 13)
  • “Remembrance” through the Seder meal and service on Maundy/Holy Thursday (April 17)
  • “Reparation” on Good Friday (April 18) and ending with
  • “Resurrection” on Easter Sunday (April 20)

Join us on this solemn yet satisfying sojourn through the story of salvation!

The Good Word

What rule book do you base your life upon? What do you use as the basis for the decisions that you make? What foundational tool do you use as the basis for right and wrong?

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.

Psalm 19:7-9

The answer for this is the Bible. Holy Scripture. The Word of God.

It is the only rule, source, and norm for our basis of right and wrong, good and bad, godly and ungodly, dos and don’ts. Everything else comes from the mind and aspirations of man. But the Bible is truly the Word of God.

Scripture testifies to this about itself. That might seem contradictory, but it’s not. Everyone has a foundation, and every other foundation is wanting; every other foundation is fallible; every other foundation changes with the times, with the culture, with attitudes and desires.

But God’s Word is the same as God — the same yesterday, today, and forever. God doesn’t change and His Word doesn’t change.

There may be some different applications depending upon the world, our environment, and the culture. But God’s Word remains the same.

It still tells us about God and His desires, His plan, His salvation. It still points us to the Messiah, to the Christ, to Jesus. It still tells us what is objectively right and wrong, not subjectively changing by what is desirable and undesirable.

God’s Word still saves, because God’s Word still tells us about the Savior. It tells us of our need for a savior because of sin and that this Savior died for that sin. It tells us about life that is to come and a new creation that awaits. It tells us about a future that is certain. What better foundation do you want as you live your life? There is no better!

“Thank you, Lord, for Your Word which is unchanging; which is edifying; which is helpful; which is loving; which is perfect; which is right. Help us to read it, to learn it, to live it, and to share it. Through faith in Jesus and in His name, Amen.”


  • Nehemiah 8:1-3, Nehemiah 8:5-6, Nehemiah 8:8-10
  • 2 Peter 1:20-21
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • Psalm 19:1-14

“The Gospel of Mark” by Francis Chan — New FORGE Men Series Study

Men, we’re starting a new series on our time together: The Gospel of Mark by Francis Chan.


The Gospel of Mark chronicles Jesus’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Along the way, the Messiah gathers a ragged band of disciples. As crowds grow and dwindle on the road to Jerusalem, only a few stick by the suffering savior on the road of discipleship. 

In this 11-part series on the Gospel of Mark, author and speaker Francis Chan invites us to walk with him along the ancient ways of the Master. Tracing the steps of Jesus and the Twelve through Israel, Francis explores the major themes of the Gospel of Mark, and asks: Are we willing to take this journey to embrace discipleship?

Series Trailer

Participant handouts, leader’s guide, and other resources for the series is available here.

You Are The Christ!

Peter is a fun and interesting character. His mouth always seems to be getting him into trouble. But you have to look up to the guy for his boldness and his courage.

In our lessons for today, we hear about the confession of Peter. In one of the readings, he’s dragged before rulers and elders because He dared to heal someone in the name of Jesus. And he didn’t back down when they asked him “what happened.” He boldly pointed to the name of Jesus as the reason that a man was healed.

[Jesus] asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

Mark 8:29

In the other lesson Jesus asked the disciples who the people say that He is and Peter is the one who steps up with an answer. The right answer. “

You are the Christ!”

In a parallel passage, we’re told that Peter wasn’t able to answer this because he was just that much smarter than everyone else,.but he was given that answer by God.

That’s pretty impressive!

We have all of Scripture and the Holy Spirit to be able to point us to Jesus as the Christ. And yet sometimes we fail to make that confession. If not in Word, then often in action. We fail to act like Jesus is the Christ, the Chosen, the Anointed one of God. We act in ways that put other people or other things or other ideologies in front of Jesus. We act in ways that don’t set him as Lord and Savior in our life; for all of the world. We have in mind our things instead of God’s things. We need to deny that and everything that puts us at odds with God and His ways; His plan; even if that means suffering.

We need to see – and share – Jesus as the Christ. We need to see in Jesus as the answer to everything that is needed – in our life and that of the world.

“God, thank you for showing us through the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and the answer to all of our needs through the cross and empty tomb. Help us now to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him no matter what. Give us the boldness of Peter to step up and step out in faith. Because Jesus is everything. In His name, Amen.”


  • Acts 4:8-13
  • Mark 8:27-35

Precious People

Today is “Sanctity of Life” Sunday.

When we hear that we might think of a lot of different things. That’s understandable. It is a broad topic with a lot of roots feeding multiple issues. Trying to reduce to a singular one or two can be troublesome.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

One of these foundational issues is the fact that people are created by God in His image. People and life are sacred and should be treated that way. We may not like some people; we may disagree with some people; we may be hurt by some people – and want to hurt them back, but our Call from God is to treat them as ones who are precious; worthy; loved.

That means from life (conception) to death – and everything in between.

I love LifeBridge and the amazing people here. I also love that so many of the folks here are involved in ministries and agencies which value people and their life. Ministries like the Sealy Christian Pantry, which seeks to feed and keep alive people. Ministries like the Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center, which celebrates and helps bring and care for the lives of the unborn, the young, the parents, and so many others. Ministries like helping those caught in trafficking or caring for the lives of those at the border (regardless of whether or not they should be here; caring for them because they are here and are precious).

We are pro-life and pro-living – because God is and because Scripture continually testifies to it.

The biggest proof is Jesus destroying death and making resurrection – life – not just the order for our saving faith, but the foundation of the new, everlasting Creation.

God gave life to people in His image. Jesus died and rose so that we would live forever.

Because God is a God of life, and He calls us to love, honor, cherish, and serve the living in all we do.

“Thank You, Lord, for life. Help us to honor You through our lives by serving the living, as Jesus showed in His life and resurrection. In His name and example. Amen.”


  • Genesis 1:26-27
  • Genesis 1:31
  • Genesis 9:6
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