Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Category: News (Page 3 of 87)

WAYNE ASHORN — Service Information

Wayne passed early Monday evening.

Information for visitation and service is as follows.

VISITATIONThursday, January 9, 5:00-7:00 PM
LifeBridge Community Church
FUNERAL SERVICEFriday, January 10, 10:00 AM
LifeBridge Community Church
INTERMENTFollowing service at Sealy Cemetery
RECEPTIONFollowing interment at LifeBridge Community Church

Wayne’s obituary can be found here.

Join us to celebrate Wayne’s life and faith and to support family and friends.

Drive-Thru Lunch for Missions!

Come get a great lunch and support missions at LifeBridge!

Here are the details:

WHATDrive-Thru Lunch
WHENSunday, January 26, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERELifeBridge Café
COSTSuggested donation of $10 per plate/person.
MENUBBQ Pork Baked Potatoes
WHYRaise monies for LifeBridge folks going on mission trips next summer.
CONTACTAngie at 979/627-5817 for tickets and more information.

A True, Understanding Heart

We jump from Jesus as a baby to Jesus when He was almost a teenager.

At 12 we see Him prioritizing being in the temple – “His Father’s house” – learning from the teachers and also amazing them with His answers. He was growing “in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”

Solomon said, “You have shown great and steadfast love to Your servant David my father, because he walked before You in faithfulness, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart toward You.”

I Kings 3:6a

We see Wisdom making a grand appearance in the Old Testament passage today as well. In in we see a young Solomon ask for this beautiful, godly, essential gift from God – and receive it, and a whole lot more, in spades!

Yet, there is something different in Solomon’s wisdom and that of Jesus. There is something different in what Solomon had and his father David did. The quintessential gift and characteristic that must lay at the foundation of wisdom and every other gift: Faith. A heart not only of understanding, but one that is always toward God in what it wants and with righteousness in how it acts.

A heart that hears and understands others, the world and its ways, is a wonderful, necessary, godly gift and one to be greatly desired (especially by a young king), but to have a humbly faithfulness, righteousness, and heart toward God gives everything meaning and full understanding.

Lord, grant us godly wisdom, we pray. But grant our heart even more, faithfulness, righteousness, and a heart toward You in everything. Grant us Faith and trust in Jesus, the newborn King for us in all things always. In His Name do we pray. Amen.”


  • I Kings 3:4-15
  • Luke 2:40-52
  • Psalm 119:97-104

“The Year Long Bible Journey” – A BridgeKidz Series

We are starting a new BridgeKidz series with the tagline, “The Yearlong Bible Journey!”

You have known the Holy Scriptures ever since you were a little child. They are able to teach you how to be saved by believing in Christ Jesus.
God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. By using Scripture, a man of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing.

2 Timothy 3:15-17 (NIrV)



This comprehensive curriculum takes children on a captivating journey through the Bible, covering every book from Genesis to Revelation.

Over the course of a year, kids will delve into the stories of God, His people, and His Son, Jesus, through engaging skits, games, and crafts.

The Year-Long Bible Journey 52-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum not only teaches children about the nature of God, but also imparts His commandments to guide their lives.

Join us on this enlightening and enjoyable adventure!


Our series will go throughout the 2025 year.

Waiting for the Christ

Waiting can be difficult, especially when we do we don’t know when we will get what we are waiting for.

Simeon was one who patiently waited for the Lord’s Christ and was promised by God that he would see Him before he died.

It had been revealed to [Simeon] by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.

Luke 2:26

Likewise, we wait for the second coming of the Lord’s Christ and are also promised by God that we will see Him when He returns – whether that be while awaiting our own resurrection or waiting while we are still alive.
And when He returns, we will see Him just as He promised and we will be with Him forever.

But, right now, we are still waiting. So, what do we do in the meantime, while we wait?

We COME to receive, and we GO to give.

Yes, waiting is hard; but when we know how that wait will be fulfilled beyond imagination, makes it easier and well worth it! Any while we wait, let us be about His business; let us receive, love and share, and let us share!

“Come, Lord Jesus! We joyfully await You!”


  • Luke 2:22-35

CHRISTMAS EVE – “Good News of Great Joy for All the People”

Tonight is the culmination of our series, knowing the “His Gospel is Peace!” It all comes down to this. To HIM; born for us!

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:10-12

May the Lord bless your celebration of the birth of the Savior, Jesus, through Whom we have “Good News of Great Joy” and never need fear!

No Fear

Christmas Eve or Day can be chaotic – especially with little children!
They get the run of the house. It’s loud, messy, and bonkers!

But there is something about kids and Christmas that brings out the joy of the season.

In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him…There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.

I John 4:9, 18a

They have no fear. They have no worries (except wondering if what they really want is under the tree!). They have no concerns.

It is just unbridled joy (and madness)!

The “Peace” of Christmas is often lost during those moments. Rather, it’s the clacking cacophony of kids, compelled to kill all calm and quietness with uncontrolled chaos!

Yet when there is unmitigated joy, there is also peace. When there is a lack of concern, there is a sense of calm. When there is no fear, there exists contentment!

Would that adults experience the Gift of the “Good News of great joy” of the birth of “the Savior, Christ the Lord” with the same enthusiasm that kids experience their gifts!

If we did, we would have no fear, but “a peace that surpasses all understanding;” a joy that reaches to the heavens; a hope that expels all anxiety.

Look forward to the coming birth of Jesus with the enthusiasm and life-altering consequences it deserves! In and through Him you will see, there is no fear. Of anything.



  • Psalm 46:1-3; Psalm 46:7-10
  • I John 4:7-11; I John 4:18-19
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