We are continuing our journey through Deuteronomy! Today we are at Deuteronomy 7:12ff.
Let’s go!
Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.
We are continuing our journey through Deuteronomy! Today we are at Deuteronomy 7:12ff.
Let’s go!
The destination is God’s Word!
Travelers will be encouraged to read a section of Scripture each day. Then we will gather once a week to discuss what we have read.
The Daily Bible in Chronological Order 365 Daily Readings, NIV, Commentary by F. LaGard Smith (Available from Amazon – hardback or softback.)
We plan to meet at the Fait’s home, 205 Brazos Hill Lane, every Tuesday starting on January 7th. (Yes, there are 52 Tuesdays in a year; however, we will schedule a few breaks for holidays and special events.)
6:00 – 6:30 PM | Dinner, on the first Tuesday of each month |
6:30 – 6:45 PM | Worship and Prayer |
6:45 – 8:00 PM | Discussion of Scripture read during the previous week |
On the first Tuesday of each month we plan to share a simple meal together from 6:00 to 6:30. This first meal will be on January 7th.
Robert and Debbie will serve as facilitators. However, this is a group trip!
Please notify Robert or Debbie if you plan to attend or have additional questions. All are welcome! (Unfortunately, we are not able to provide childcare.)
713-906-3641 // robfait51@gmail.com
281-732-1209 // debbiefait@gmail.com
The Christmas season, probably more than any other time of the year, can cause us to wonder if there will “be enough” to get us through. Not just in buying things for others, but the reflection about our own financial situation; will I have enough?
Most people I know don’t worry about this on a day-today basis, but that’s not to say there isn’t a small voice in the back of our minds, itching with the wonderment about being able to provide for ourselves and loved ones in the future.
That’s a real fear.
The amount some say should be in saving to be able to retire is beyond laughable and comprehension to me. How can I ever retire, continue to take care of my family, provide for my parents, continue to care for my differently-abled son, leave anything for my other son and his family, and on and on?.?.
Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom..
Luke 12:32
And some have the real fear of being able to eat today; at all!
In Luke 12, Jesus gives the command to not to be anxious lives; what we eat, drink, or wear. He reminds us that He knows all our needs and provides.
God’s provisions are real! He provides; not always what we want, but what we need – physically and spiritually. (And He gets to decide what we need. It’s His definition, not ours.)
That doesn’t mean there are no concerns for us, but to look at the manger and see His provision – in this life and eternally in the next! We can rejoice that regardless of what we do or don’t have, the coming of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, means we look forward to wanting for nothing; forever!
“Do not be afraid,” the Kingdom of God is yours in Jesus! What more do you need?!
We are continuing our journey through Deuteronomy! Today we are at Deuteronomy 6:12ff.
Let’s go!
Please join the LifeBridge Family as we come together in prayer for Alfred Tomasek, Alan Boehm and anyone else desired.
A Rite of Anointing with Oil will be at 6:00 PM, followed by a “come and go” prayer time.
Also, prayer leaders will be available for group prayers if desired.
Let’s lift them up together with confidence to the Throne of Grace!
NOTE: usual Monday evening Prayer time will be a part of this event.
The holidays are stressful. There always seems to be the recurring fear of not being or doing enough; of having the perfect gathering, creating the right core memories, or picking the impeccable gift.
When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.
Matthew 17:6-8
Our fear can paralyze us.
Peter, James, and John certainly felt that at the Transfiguration. They experience a literal “mountaintop experience” and instead of being overcome by the joy and awe of the experience, they are struck with All-encompassing fear; fear that drives them to the ground!
These “big three” disciples of Jesus, handpicked by Him, are struck with fear. Likely not just at the event, but also their own unworthiness at being there.
Did it pass through their minds that perhaps Jesus made a mistake in His choices? Did this Chosen One, whom they just saw with Moses and Elijah, not get that they would fail him and make colossal mistakes?
But Jesus leans down, touches them, and encourages them, “Don’t be afraid.”
Jesus knew. He knew these imperfect disciples. He knows the imperfect you and me. He knows we fail – greatly and often. During the holidays and all other times of the year.
“Don’t be afraid.”
He has already covered all our failures; all our shortcomings; all our sins. So stand up, take in His majesty and glory this season and rather than fear your failures, revel in His victory, in His beauty, in His mercy! Revel in Him!
“Don’t be afraid,” He says – to you and me. This season and always; from now through eternity!
Praise the Lord!
We are continuing our journey through Deuteronomy! Today we are at Deuteronomy 6ff.
Let’s go!
Join us, ladies!
WHO | Ladies |
DATE | Friday, January 3, 2025 |
TIME | 9:15 AM |
LOCATION | Tony’s Family Restaurant 1629 Meyer St, Sealy, TX 77474 |
Anxiety and uncertainty that often accompany the holiday season. Our inability to control tomorrow can lead to dread and doubt. Family gatherings, work-related anxieties, financial uncertainties: they can all weigh upon us and stir up feelings of dread.
For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. His heart is steady; he will not be afraid, until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
Psalm 112:6-8
But there is a solution: the incarnation of Jesus! Through Him, we have countless blessings. In Him we have complete security. By Him we have everlasting peace.
How do we know this? By looking back at God’s past perfect faithfulness!
The birth of Jesus Christ is a powerful example of God’s love and provision, offering hope for the future. Reflecting on God’s past work and trusting in His promises, we find peace and confidence in the face of uncertainty.
Thanks be to God!
We are continuing our journey through Deuteronomy! Today we are at Deuteronomy 5:18ff.
Let’s go!
The Sealy Ministerial Alliance exists to assist Sealy residents in areas such as rent and utilities.
The Good Samaritan Resale Shop funds those vital efforts.
Although it is doing well, more volunteers are needed so it can be open more hours!
Men or women are needed a few hours a week or even a few hours a month to help! Times are flexible and it can be a lot of fun!
Joyce Eckelberg
(979) 885-9646
BELONG will be meeting on the FIRST & THIRD SUNDAYS of the month. Same time: 9:15 AM.
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