“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”
Such goes the common saying.
But we know that’s not true. At all.
Words constantly hurt, in many ways.
I’m not saying we should be delicate and offended by what everyone says, but I am saying that words matter. They have meaning even beyond just what is said. They bear weight. They have lasting significance and standing.
No human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
James 3:8
Our Scripture for today says that if a person does not stumble in what they say, they are perfect and that no one can tame the tongue. It reminds us that what we say stains our body and sets the course of life on fire.
That is powerful!
And scary.
And condemning.
“With [our tongues] we bless [God] and…curse people…made in [God’s image.”
That truth should disgust us and convict us.
We are held to a higher standard in what we say, how we say it, and to whom we say it. We should be lifting people up and pointing them to Jesus, not tearing them down, belittling them, and condemning them.
But it actually goes further than this.
Scripture likens calling others “fools” to breaking the commandment on murder and puts in danger of hell!
The solution? Setting our hearts on Jesus and keep our words those of praise, of thanksgiving, of edification, of glory! Singing songs of praise with our hearts and lips! Letting the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts be expressed in our words and letting the rest wither and die.
This is not possible by us. It is only possible by, in, and through God! Left to ourselves, we will continue to slip – in heart and tongue. But living out the indwelling Lord, both will edify and uplift!
Jesus has died for our sins – all of them, including those of our imperfect tongues. May we take His forgiveness to heart, sing His praise, and lift others up in our actions and words all our days!
- James 3:1-12
- Matthew 5:21-22
- Isaiah 50:4-10
- Psalm 116:1-9 (Confession and Absolution)