Some Topics Covered #
In addition to the topics listed in this document, I want to make sure this is a time where you get your questions answered and where you can grow in your walk with God and your faith in Him! Information is important, but I want you to get to know the Lord better here.
When We Will Meet #
We understand that scheduling can be challenging, we are working to meet when youth are already at LifeBridge. to that end, our normal time will be during the small group time on Wednesday evenings when SURGE meets during the school year. (Dates will be flexible, as well as the actual start date each year. We will have an initial meeting announced to cover these.)
I encourage parental involvement and presence at any time! You are more than welcome! Of course, you should keep in mind your youth and his/her comfort level with you there as well. This may be especially pertinent when we cover the Sixth Commandment. I believe it is important (even vital) for parents to be a part of those discussions, but I also want an atmosphere where the youth feels comfortable sharing and asking their questions. For those reasons, I leave it up to each parent and youth to make that determination for each class.
Materials Used / Needed #
Bible #
Your choice of versions, but I would highly recommend one of the following if you do not already have one:
- Faith Alive Student Bible (ESV): Available on CPH and Amazon.
- Lutheran Study Bible: Multiple versions available at CPH and one also available on Amazon.
The Bible App #
YouVersion Bible app, available on iOS and Android platforms.

“Getting to Know Jesus” by The Rev. Paul Schult #
LifeBridge has copies of this book, so we can provide you with one. Of course, if you would like to purchase one and leave the copy we have for someone else, that would be great! Available on Amazon.
When discussing this resource, it will be shortened to “GtKJ”.
Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation, 2017 Edition #
There are a few different editions. My recommendations are here in order of preference:
- The Visual Edition. Although this is larger, physically, it is an easy to use version, nice to look at, and all-around keeper. I highly recommend this edition. Available on CPH and Amazon.
- The Spiral Bound Edition. Same as the hardback, but simpler for reading and taking notes. (I have not seen this one personally and it is only available on CPH.)
- The Hardback. This is more compact and “book-like” than the Visual Edition, but a little more difficult to use when paging around. Available on CPH and Amazon.
When discussing references to this resource, they will be referred to as “Cat.VE” for the Visual Edition and “Cat.Hrd.” for the Hardback Edition.
The Bible Project App #
We will have a few videos from this project. The app isn’t needed as the URL are listed where needed. App is here, you can also go to
Luther House of Study // The Kairos Network #
The Confirmation Curriculum for Luther House of Studies and The Kairos Network are still being looked at to determine how they may or may not fit into this structure.
Reading & Class Preparation #
There will be reading assignments needed at home to prepare before each session. These will be shared well in advance so you know what is coming and what is covered in case you need to miss.
Service Project #
I would like to see each student, find a way to serve the community at some point. I am leaving this somewhat vague, but it should be something that will make a difference in people’s lives within the community. This may be something done individually, as a group (students working together), or as a family.
Confirmation Verse & Essay #
Toward the end of our class time together, each student will choose a Scripture verse that is important to them or speaks to them. That student will write a short paper on why they picked that verse and then read it for the congregation at some point. (This sounds scarier than it is!)
Chat with an Elder #
At some point, the student will have a conversation with his/her elder, to discuss spiritual matters. This is not a test but a time to confirm your faith, ask questions, and get to know each other better.
Seder Meal #
The Seder Meal is very important for the Church and a meaningful time of teaching, gathering, fellowship.
I would like each student and their families to make every effort to attend.
If timing works out, this may also be the date of the student’s first communion.
Read more here: