Supplemental Information #6 #
As laid out in Section 04 — The Ten Commandments // B. Numbering, the Jewish numbering system begins with:
I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
Exodus 20:2
Although many might wonder why it would/should be considered a “commandment,” remember from Supplemental Information #3: Why do we call them “commandments” that the term “commandment” is not really the best description for what God gives here (or, at least not a complete term).
As God said in Exodus 20:1, “And god spoke all these words.” The words in the next verse (verse 2) are therefore important!
In fact, if we look at the Jewish number 1, we see that God reminds His people who He is; the God who saved them; and therefore, as His people, set apart, holy, and different from all the other peoples and nations, they are to be and live differently. Then the rest of the words (i.e., “commandments”) are a description of how they are to live and be different!
This is an excellent way to start! “I am God who saved you. Now, as My people, differentiate yourselves by living this way.”