The Second Commandment #
GTKJ, PG. 43-44 ~&~ Cat.VE, p. 53 // Cat.Hrd., p. 67
Supplemental Information #7: What is God’s Name? #
God has many titles. Some examples: I AM, Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, The Lord Our Righteousness, Messiah, Christ, “Jesus” (which is also the proper name of the Son), the Word, etc. However, God also has a proper name. It is יהוה or YHWH (or Yahweh). Sometime after this commandment was written down, some of the Israelites were so afraid of misusing God’s name that they decided to never say it, even when they were just reading it from a page. Instead of saying YHWH when they saw it, they would say אדני or Adonai meaning “Lord” or “my Lord.” To help them remember to do this, they put the vowels of the word for “Lord” between the consonants for the word “YHWH” and in essence “made” a printed word that didn’t mean anything and was not meant to be pronounced at all. The way this new “word” would be pronounced (if it was supposed to be) would be Yahowah or Jehovah.
It might be similar to saying that you should never say the word “PEPSI” when you want one. Instead, when you specifically want a PEPSI, you will say “SODA” and write “POPSA” (this would be the consonants of PEPSI with the vowels of SODA). But this would not make “POPSA” a word, it just stands for something else. Likewise, “Jehovah” is not a word, it just stands for one word and is pronounced like another. But God’s Name is YHWH.
I am the LORD; that is my name!
Isaiah 42:8
Literally: [see explanation below] “I am YHWH; that is my name!”
In many English translations, we can tell when God’s Name is actually used. Instead of just using the word “Lord,” some translations would use “LORD” [all caps or small caps] to signify that YHWH was in the text. So whenever you see “LORD,” you know that you can substitute God’s Name of YHWH. (Similarly, when you see “Lord GOD,” you can substitute “YHWH God.”)
44. How do we fear and love God in keeping the Second Commandment? #
Cat.VE, p. 55 // Cat.Hrd., pg. 69-71
46. What does God say about vulgar or coarse language? #
Cat.VE, p. 56 // Cat.Hrd., pg. 71-72
47. Does God forbid us to swear oaths in His name? #
Cat.VE, p. 56 // Cat.Hrd., p. 72