We will begin a new sermon series for Advent and the Sundays after Christmas: “Mary’s Advent / Our Advent”.
In this series for Advent and Christmas we will look at “Mary’s Advent” for the time leading up to, including, and just following Jesus’ birth, as well as our own Advent in the process.
Typically the Sunday after Christmas is…not well attended.
Lord, I am your servant, and now I can die in peace, because you have kept your promise to me. With my own eyes I have seen what you have done to save your people, and foreign nations will also see this. Your mighty power is a light for all nations, and it will bring honor to your people Israel.
Luke 2:29-32 (cev)
It seems anticlimactic and the excitement of Christmas is over.
Perhaps it seemed that way for Mary & Joseph, too.
The shepherds were gone, the birth has happened and now comes…regular life.
But the coming of Jesus gives us a different take on Life.
As Simeon said soon after Jesus’ birth, he can now go in peace having seen God’s salvation in Jesus!
That is exciting! That is meaningful! That is LIFE!
Thanks You, Lord!
Let us now, also, depart in the peace that comes from Jesus!
If we want to be more like Jesus, we need to act more like Jesus.
One of the primary things that Jesus did was to be in His Father’s House (i.e., “in church”) and in The Word (i.e., “the Bible”). If we are to grow “in wisdom and stature” and in our love of the Lord and in deeds that please Him, we need to do the same by seeking His Word and His presence.
The coming, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus completed and pulled together all of History! His coming reminds us that God fulfills His promises and, more specifically, fulfilled His promise of One who would be “His salvation,” “a Light to the Gentiles,” and the “glory of His people, Israel!” He is the One! He completes us and all that we need! Praise the Lord!
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
We at Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center want to take this opportunity to thank you. Our moms were very happy to receive the gifts at our annual Children’s Christmas Party. It has meant a lot.Because of you84 children will wake up to presents under the tree this year. For some, these will be the only gifts these children will receive on Christmas Day.
The mothers were elated at the unexpected beautiful stockings and Christmas hams. The backpacks kept the kiddo’s busy and their focus away from Santa’s delivery bags. Of course, Santa was a great hit!
Special thanks to David and Shannon Walker for coordinating and putting together the Angel Tree and the mother’s stockings.
Thank you again for your generous and kind gifts and Merry Christmas, Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center