Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: covid

WE’RE OPEN! It’s Time to Come Home!

Dear LifeBridge members, families, and friends.

We have been open, having services now for one year after our brief closure in the Spring of 2020.

We took several measures to keep families safe while still giving you the chance to worship. Some of these changes included closing the café entrance, changing our chair spacing for the service, and changing to individual communion cups.

To our knowledge no one caught Covid 19 while attending our services. We have been Blessed!

We have now reopened the café entrance for our snacks and fellowship time and our chairs are beginning to get a little closer together. Although we will still be using the individual communion cups for now, will return to having a prayer partner behind the chairs for anyone needing that personal time with a prayer partner starting on July 4th!

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support during the past year as we look for to a much more normal LifeBridge Sunday worship!

Also, I would like to remind everyone that in October we will need to fill position for the Management Team and Board of Elders. You must be a member to be elected. Please visit Pastor Scott (713/965.6761) or any current member of those positions to learn more.

Serving Christ,
Alan Boehm,
Elder Chairman

Get Your Vaccination – at LifeBridge!

We all need to do our part to not only help ourselves but, more importantly, help and protect others.

One of the ways we can do that (and help get things “back to normal”) is by getting vaccinated for COVID-19.

The Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center is having a public vaccination event coming up to do just that!

Read the post, call the number, and get vaccinated!

DATEApril 26, 2021
TIME1:00 – 4:00 PM
LOCATIONPregnancy Center/LifeBridge Parking lot



We’re LIVE and IN PERSON in worship and Bible class at LifeBridge!

We are continuing with the following processes below:

  1. Facemasks, though not required, are strongly requested and recommended.
  2. On Communion Sundays (1st & 3rd of the month), Holy Communion will have pre-packaged and wrapped individual bread and wine containers for use.
  3. Families sit together, but there will be spaces between their seats and those of other attendees.
  4. No Greeting Time during worship.
  5. Social distancing practices will be used (& seating is setup accordingly).
  6. Sanitation of facilities is taking place.
  7. Bible classes and worship services will also be live-streamed for those who cannot (or choose not to) make it in person.
  8. No worship folder and minimal use of other items that are touched.

Remain in Jesus, grow in your faith, and stay safe!

Current status of services and programs (unless otherwise noted and publicized):

Sunday WorshipIn-Person as well as Streamed live online on the LifeBridge YouTube channel Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM and available on the LB website and on shortly following.
Sunday Bible ClassIn-Person as well at Steamed live online on the LifeBridge YouTube channel, and on the LB website Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM.
Sunday FellowshipGoodies available at 9:30 AM in the café, along with good fellowship!
Wednesday YouthIn-Person in the youth room and streamed online via Instagram. @surge_lbyouth
Children’s ProgramFamily Room, Toddlers, and Children’s Church available, except on the 5th Sundays of the month.
LifeGroupsMost LifeGroups are are meeting, active, and would love for you to join them!

If there is anything we can do to help you through this difficult time, please let us know.

Thank you & God bless!