Mark your calendars!
On Sunday, May 24, 2020, we will be back LIVE and IN PERSON in worship at LifeBridge!
The Leadership has been meeting weekly to discuss the many benefits and challenges associated with worshiping back in-person as well as all the preparations needed to ensure that we do so in a good, safe, orderly, and godly fashion as well as remain up-to-date on recent developments.
We understand that some would have liked for us to begin earlier. Others believe we should wait longer. We feel this date gives us the time needed to properly prepare to the best of our ability.
Currently, the following reflects our current decisions as we move forward:
Things to consider before attending worship:
1. Is your immune system compromised or fragile?
2. In the past 24 hours, have you experienced any chills or fever-like symptoms?
3. In the past 24 hours, have you had an increased temperature?
4. In the past 24 hours, have you had a persistent cough?
5. In the past 24 hours, have you had shortness of breath?
Checklist Before Attending Worship
- We will begin in-person worship on Sunday, May 24.
- Holy Communion will have pre-packaged and wrapped individual bread and wine containers to be shared by the pastor or elder, who will be masked and gloved.
- Families (including children) will sit together, but there will be spaces between their seats and those of other attendees.
- No Sunday Bible class. (It will continue to be available online.)
- No Children’s Church.
- No nursery.
- No Fellowship Time in worship.
- Social distancing practices will be used.
- Sanitation of facilities will take place on Saturday evening and Sunday after worship.
- We will attempt to also stream live but, even if we can’t, the service will be recorded and posted online later the same day.
- No worship folder and minimal use of other items that are touched.
- The café and youth room will be closed. All will enter and exit through the sanctuary entrance, while keeping social-distancing guidelines.
We know this doesn’t answer all questions and are weekly meeting to continue our preparations toward May 24, even as we stay up-to-date on latest developments and update accordingly.
We are greatly looking forward to being with you IN-PERSON again!
Until then, remain in Jesus, grow in your faith, and stay safe!