Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Good Samaritan Shop

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — Good Samaritan Resale Shop

The Sealy Ministerial Alliance exists to assist Sealy residents in areas such as rent and utilities.

The Good Samaritan Resale Shop funds those vital efforts.

Although it is doing well, more volunteers are needed so it can be open more hours!

Men or women are needed a few hours a week or even a few hours a month to help! Times are flexible and it can be a lot of fun!


Joyce Eckelberg
(979) 885-9646


219 W Front St.
Sealy, TX 77474

Community Thanksgiving Worship Service

The Sealy Ministerial Alliance will be having their Community Worship Service on November 24, at 6:00 PM at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.

The Rev. Rhonda Fanning from St. John’s Episcopal Church will be delivering the message.

There will be a reception following.

A love offering will be taken up and all the proceeds go to the Sealy Ministerial Alliance to provide benevolence for the Sealy Community.

We hope to see you there!

Good Samaritan Shop Reopens!

From a post by the Greater Sealy Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page:

Ribbon Cutting for the Good Samaritan Shop. This resale shop is now open to the public. The Good Samaritan is run by the Ministerial Alliance with the combination of multiple churches here in Sealy. Blue Blazer Leroy Zapalac talked about the efforts put in by many volunteers, churches, and Foundations to help make this project happen.

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 10-5pm
Thursday 10-7
First weekend of each month
Saturday 10-5
Sunday 1-5

If you would like to Volunteer you can come in and ask for Yvonne Johnson

Drop off the back alley preferably during open hours. They are primarily looking for lightly worn clothes.
Also anything needed to run a home, like a toaster or dishes.
No Frames, sofas, or furniture please.