It’s easy to freak out when watching the news. Everything seems to go from bad to worse.
But Jesus warned us about this, not so that we’d be afraid or upset, but to comfort us and remind us that when these things happed, we can, “straighten up and raise [our] heads, because [our] redemption is drawing near!” [Luke 21:28] And that is great news!
It’s something many think about and some strive to accomplish; but what kind of legacy should we be leaving – or looking forward to?
When we get down to it, it won’t be too long into the future when everyone who would remember us has also died – and most of our life and story along with it. Instead of bemoaning that, perhaps we should focus on a true legacy that will really matter – sharing Jesus! If people know and remember Him, and we were able to play some small part of that, that’s a legacy that worth leaving!
And our reward? It’s not to be remembered here by a few, but to be able to “serve God day and night in His temple” where He “will be [our] shepherd, …guide [us] to springs of living water,” and “will wipe away every tear.”
We all know what it’s like to live in sin. It is a constant and familiar companion in our journey of life. We know it shouldn’t be, but it is.
God has given us another, different, better way to live – the way of Faith; the way of justification; the way of Jesus! In, through, and by Him – and Him alone – our life of sin is transformed eternally to a eternal life of righteousness with Him!
Priests were set-apart from others. They were called to different standards and a different way of life.
But they were far from perfect! In fact, they failed in this task miserably!
So God One who would fulfill this function – perfectly and forever: Jesus! And now, He intercedes – faithfully, mercifully, and lovingly on our behalf forever; and through faith in Him, we are covered with His perfection; set apart by God!
But we often forget that this happened after an already very long day. Jesus and the disciples were tired and needed to get away, but the people followed them and Jesus had compassion on them. So He fed them; first and foremost with the Word through His teaching, then through bread and fish.
The second miracle is the one we remember, but in its doing gave evidence to the true miracle of Him and the Word!
The question is: what are you hungry for? Food that perishes or the Bread of Life Himself?
By all means, decide where you are going to eat after worship, but know that you have been fed with the Word here and now!
Some feel that when you become a Christian, everything becomes easy. Everything is happy. Everything is prosperous.
That is far from reality!
But the reality extends far further than the persistence of suffering for Christians. It is rooted in the One who sees us through them. Who supersedes them. Who has overcome them! Entrenched is the reality that such struggles are finite.
“Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”Psalm 30:5b