Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Luncheon

Returning Missionaries to Share Over Lunch

Brenda, Shannon, and Angie are back from their mission trip and want to share!

On Sunday, June 30, following worship, we will have a luncheon of an authentic African meal. Our missionaries will share a presentation along with time for a Q&A.

Great food and a show! How can you pass that up?!

“Jiunge nasi” (“Join us” in Swahili!)

Pizza & Ice Cream Fellowship!

Come join us for some great food and fellowship!

LifeBridge is hosting a youth group from New Mexico and they will be in worship with us on Sunday, June 16.

To welcome, celebrate, and get to know them, we will be having a free fellowship luncheon that day (free will offerings accepted) following worship with pizza and ice cream! (Who doesn’t like that?!)

Please sign up in the back of the sanctuary if you plan to attend so we know how many to plan for.


Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon!

Join us on Sunday, May 5, 2024 (Cinco de Mayo!), following worship, for a special luncheon in honor of all the volunteers who make and keep LifeBridge awesome and running!

Chicken and Beef Fajitas, Spanish Rice, and Charro Beans, plus all the fixins!

We want to thank and praise God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon LifeBridge through the many and varied volunteers, who faithfully and graciously give of their time, talents, and treasures to keep our church whole.

Join us during this celebration of gratitude and appreciation!

See you then!

Confirmation Reception Luncheon

On Sunday, September 10, 2023, we will celebrate the Rite of Confirmation in worship!

To honor these young men and women, LifeBridge will have a free luncheon in the café following worship, open to everyone!

Join us and share your encouragement with these fine young men and women – and get some great food in the process!

Mission Reports & Fellowship Luncheon

Angie & Amanda have heeded God’s Call to the mission field, shared the Gospel, and want to report back all that the Lord has done!

And they will do it over a great fellowship meal at LifeBridge!

On Sunday, July 23, 2023, following worship, we will meet in the café to hear their stories, eat a great meal, and have some fellowship.

There will be time to ask questions and see how the Lord may be calling you to the mission field, too!

Don’t miss it!

See you there!


The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) (Court St. Elizabeth #1616, of Sealy), is hosting its Annual Turkey-Dressing Dinner on Sunday, March 6, from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall (KC Hall), 1310 Hwy 90 West.

Meal price is $12 a plate which includes:

  • Turkey and Dressing with Gravy (it’s famous!)
  • Green Beans
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Cranberry Sause
  • Hot Roll
  • Tea

Desserts are by the slice with free will offering. Whole cakes for sale inside at $10/ea.

Dine In, Take Home, or Drive Thru!

CDA Cake/Homemade Goodies Silent/Live Auction, JCDA (“Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas”) Silent Auction, and Big Drawing at 1:00 PM!

Homemade Cheese Rolls may be preordered ($15 each). Contact: Mona at (281) 460-0875 (text or leave a message, if no answer). Available flavors:

  • Apricot
  • Cherry
  • Poppyseed
  • Strawberry
  • Cherry Cream Cheese
  • Strawberry Cream Cheese
  • Cream Cheese

We donate to many CDA charities and local community charities like:

  • The Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center
  • Helping One Another Meals on Wheels
  • The Sealy Christian Food Pantry

Thank you for supporting our yearly fundraiser. It is very much appreciated and we hope to see you there.

Publicity Committee
Bernice Stolarski
Sue Fagan

More information here:

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

Join us on Sunday, November 3, following worship, for a special luncheon in honor of all the volunteers who make and keep LifeBridge awesome and running!

We will have BBQ chicken, buttered potatoes, green beans, salad, and more! (Bring one of your own favorite deserts to share!)

We want to thank and praise God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon LifeBridge through the many and varied volunteers, who faithfully and graciously give of their time, talents, and treasures to keep our church whole.

Join us during this celebration of gratitude and appreciation!

Questions? Contact the Fellowship Committee: Bev, Patsy, Sherri, or Sue.