Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Missions (Page 1 of 2)

Fellowship Luncheon for Missions

Come get a great lunch and support missions at LifeBridge!

Here are the details:

WHATFellowship Luncheon for Missions
WHENSunday, February 23
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERELifeBridge Café
COSTFree-Will Offering
MENUPork Sandwiches
Easton’s 1st Place Chili
Chicken Spaghetti
WHYRaise monies for LifeBridge folks going on mission trips next summer
CONTACTAngie at 979/627-5817

Drive-Thru Lunch for Missions!

Come get a great lunch and support missions at LifeBridge!

Here are the details:

WHATDrive-Thru Lunch
WHENSunday, January 26, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERELifeBridge Café
COSTSuggested donation of $10 per plate/person.
MENUBBQ Pork Baked Potatoes
WHYRaise monies for LifeBridge folks going on mission trips next summer.
CONTACTAngie at 979/627-5817 for tickets and more information.

Drive-Thru Lunch for Missions!

Come get a great lunch and support missions at LifeBridge!

Here are the details:

WHATDrive-Thru Lunch
WHENSunday, December 8, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERELifeBridge Café
COSTSuggested donation of $10 per plate/person.
MENUChicken Spaghetti ; Green Beans; Bread
WHYRaise monies for LifeBridge folks going on mission trips next summer.
CONTACTAngie at 979/627-5817 for tickets and more information.

CLEAN WATER FOR MALAWI — From Kilimanjaro to the Everest Base Camp

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

John 4:14 (ESV)

On July 10, David Fait had the amazing privilege of sharing Christ and bringing water to villages in Malawi in Africa. (He also got to summit Mount Kilimanjaro and go on Safari, seeing God’s creation through new eyes.)

Now he’s going on his second Clean Water Climb,” this time to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal. While the mountain and continent have changed, the mission remains the same – fundraising to bring both the Living Water (Jesus) and clean drinking water to villages in Malawi! The impact that visiting two villages and repairing two water wells had on me in July was immense, and he is eager to continue the mission through this second climb. (Of course, he is also looking forward to exploring God’s beauty in Nepal with another group of men this November.)

Even as his team was driving into Malawian villages, the women and children began to sing and dance just at the thought of them coming to repair their local well – they were celebrating when they hadn’t even done anything yet! In each village they not only repaired the well but also told Bible stories leading to over 60 people coming to know Jesus!

Fortunately, these efforts are ongoing year-round as long as the funds are available for repair kits and crew; each repair costs $1,600. Through the generosity of so many like you, we were able to fund 6+ well repairs as a result of his Kilimajaro trip this summer. Now is an opportunity to keep that going!

David has revised my goal up to a total of $16,000, aiming to raise an additional $5,000+ prior to his November climb. This would fund an additional 3+ wells and bring the total to 10 villages that would have clean drinking water and have the opportunity to hear the Gospel!

While he will again be funding his own trip, he is asking you to prayerfully consider joining with him in both prayer and raising funds to support the work of repairing water wells in Malawi. If you have donated previously, he is extremely grateful for your support and would welcome you to come alongside once more! For those who may have missed out the first climb, here is another chance to take part in changing lives!

If you are so inclined, please consider donating via the link below or mailing a check to his home, made out to:

Clean Water Climb
19 Crested Cloud Court
Spring, TX 77380

Also, while it has not been on the front page of local news, you may have seen that Nepal has recently experienced traumatic flooding with deaths in the hundreds. As you pray for our Clean Water Climb, please also be praying for the people suffering from these floods as well as the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

Thank you all for your continued support!

David Fait

2025 Mission Opportunities

Are you feeling the call to GO? 

We have two options this year for you to answer that question!

Then Jesus Came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Trinity Ablaze in Kenya

Vision Clinics

Trinity Klein and other participating churches address both the spiritual needs and physical vision of Kenyans through short term mission trips.

Our mission teams conduct vision clinics while spreading the Word of God to all who attend.

A single team of eight can reach hundreds of people in a single week, giving each visitor clear vision of Jesus Christ’s healing plus providing eye care through onsite services and materials.



May 29 – June 8, 2025


You must be 18 years old to take part in this opportunity.

A Passport and Visa/E-Visa will be required.


$1,600 to Trinity Ablaze in Kenya covers all accommodations and transportation.  Also covers Breakfast and Dinner.  Lunch is TBD by the location that you are stationed. 

Air fare is not included. 

They do ask that we book the same flights into Nairobi and out of Nairobi.  Depending on when you book your flight, it will likely be $1,600-$2,400.

Alaska Summer 2025


We have a few people in our congregation that wanted to go on mission trip, however they haven’t found the one they felt called to go on.

While on mission in Kenya, we got the opportunity to talk to Amy who was on our team. She has been a leader with GraceWorks Alaska a couple of times now. When I (Angie) came back from Kenya and shared a few stories with the Battle group a few of the youth expressed wanting to go on a trip. So, I gathered more information.


Graceworks Alaska: Make an Impact Through Volunteering


July 20-26, 2025


You have to be 12 years old to go on the GraceWorks Alaska trip.

It would be best for an adult (parent/grandparent) to attend with the youth partner. (Think of it as a trip to service alongside them!)

In addition to this you can attend as an adult without a youth as well. 


Pricing is $750 per person to GraceWorks and estimated flight is around $1,700 per person.


One will be scheduled soon!

Returning Missionaries to Share Over Lunch

Brenda, Shannon, and Angie are back from their mission trip and want to share!

On Sunday, June 30, following worship, we will have a luncheon of an authentic African meal. Our missionaries will share a presentation along with time for a Q&A.

Great food and a show! How can you pass that up?!

“Jiunge nasi” (“Join us” in Swahili!)

Fellowship Lunch for Missionaries!

Mission Trip Promotion for those doing the POSSIBLE!!!

Here are the details:

WHATFellowship Lunch, consisting of brisket tacos, with side items.
WHENSunday, March 3, 2024, following worship.
WHERELifeBridge Café.
WHYTo support those being Called to serve in mission – and enjoy fellowship and food.
COSTFREE, but a Freewill, Tax-Deductible Offering will be taken. All proceeds will go to help those on mission!




LifeBridge has a wonderful problem: We have several people who are being called to go on Mission Trips this year!

That’s fantastic news! But mission trips cost money.

You can help spread the saving Gospel of Jesus by helping these called people as they go, share, and serve!

You can make a tax-deductible donation by selecting the “Missions” drop down for your online donations or writing “Missions” on your check.

Some are Called to go. Some are Called to help. But all are Called. Which are you?

Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work to­day?”
Fields are ripe and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?
Long and loud the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer, gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me?”

Let none hear you idly saying,
“There is no­thing I can do.”
While the lost of earth are dying,
And the Master calls for you;
Take the task He gives you gladly;
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calls you,
“Here am I, send me, send me.”

Hymn: “HARK, THE VOICE OF JESUS CALLING,” stanzas 1 and 6

Mission Reports & Fellowship Luncheon

Angie & Amanda have heeded God’s Call to the mission field, shared the Gospel, and want to report back all that the Lord has done!

And they will do it over a great fellowship meal at LifeBridge!

On Sunday, July 23, 2023, following worship, we will meet in the café to hear their stories, eat a great meal, and have some fellowship.

There will be time to ask questions and see how the Lord may be calling you to the mission field, too!

Don’t miss it!

See you there!

LifeBridge Missionaries to Foreign Lands

Come alongside Angie Wolfe and Amanda Fait as they heed God’s Call and Great Commission, taking the Gospel of Jesus into the world. They need our support; spiritually and financially. We strongly encourage you to speak with them, pray for them, and contribute financially to their trip, so their focus and concern can be on sharing the Gospel with those whom the Lord will place in their midst.

More information on each mission is below, including information on how to support them in this vital Calling and endeavor.

Trinity Ablaze — Kenya


Angie has setup a site chronicling her time in Africa. You can find it here:

I would like to share with you what is on my heart.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?” And who will go for us?  And I said, “Here am I.  Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8

I plan to go to Kenya, Africa with a group called Trinity Ablaze Kenya Mission Team. The trip is May 25 – June 4, 2023. On these missions they address both the spiritual needs and physical vision of Kenyans through short term mission trips.

The mission teams conduct vision clinics while spreading the Word of God to all who attend. A single team of eight can reach hundreds of people in a single week giving each visitor a clear vision of Jesus Christ’s healing plus providing eye care through onsite services and materials. They also have a school called Kenyan Schools of Hope that help provide a safe and secure place for girls trying to escape the centuries old tradition of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Early Marriage (FEM). It offers a refuge to Kenyan girls and provides a residential and educational setting for girls.

Follow Mission Progress on WhatsApp.

I am very excited for this opportunity to go where the Lord is sending me. I want to be His hands and feet during this mission and do my very best to share my passion for the Lord with as many people I can while serving them. Most of all I am excited to see the work that the Holy Spirit will do in and through me and his people as we go. I have a desire to see and meet other people that are longing to see God’s face, and to meet them where they are. I feel that we need to step out of our current living to find creative ways to build the Body of Christ.

I have made you a light for the gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.

Acts 13:47

I believe that God has made me a light and that He is using me as a vessel for the Holy Spirit; a beacon of light to bring salvation in the villages that our team plan to venture out to on this mission.

I would love to have you partner with me in this mission with prayer and/or financial contributions. (As a token of my appreciation any donation over $20 will get a special gift created by me personally.)

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you so much for your support!


Support Angie’s Mission Trip

A personal check to:
Angela Wolfe // 5860 WildFlower Rd. // Sealy, TX 77474
Venmo: @Angela-Wolfe-23
Zelle: Angela Wolfe 979-627-5817

Antioch Training School Outreach Trip — Mediterranean

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:18-20

I am very excited to see how The Lord will move among the vast unreached people group in the place my group is going. (We cannot share the name of the country for security reasons.)

The population where we are going has less than 1% evangelical Christians, leaving 99.2% unreached by the Gospel!

We are thrilled to partner with Jesus in how He is moving there and solicit your partnership as well!

Please pray for our team as we prepare, for the team in the country where we are joining, and for the people there who we will encounter.

Please pray for good soil for the seeds to fall on and for the people there to have dreams and visions of Jesus.

Thank you!

Support Amanda’s Mission Trip

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