Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email the LifeBridge Vice President your nominations.
On Sunday, October 20, 2024, following worship (around 11:15/11:30am), LifeBridge will hold its annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
Information and agenda items will appear below as they become available (so check back often).
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
Congregational Voters’ Meeting Minutes June 2, 2024
Call to Order
President Vic Grisbee called the meeting to order.
Opening Prayer
Pastor Scott Heitshusen opened the meeting with prayer.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the October 29, 2023, Congregational Voters’ Meeting were distributed.
Purpose of Meeting
The purpose of this meeting is to approve expansion of the parking lot to the West. The Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center needs to install a new fence. We need to move the parking lot roughly 53 feet to the West from where it stops now (see attached diagram). The dark line is the swale. We have two options:
drain the water or
drive through it.
Bids have been received. A curb would be put on the left side to inhibit running into the Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center’s fence. The bid received was $24,552. The request for the congregation to approve is for $27,000 which includes contingencies as needed.
Mary Gray presented our current financial state. On January 2023, LifeBridge had $142,000 in the bank. Expenses since then are:
New Electronics (Computers, etc.)
New Office Desks, Kitchen Shelves, Carts, etc.
Four Going on Mission Trips
New Ice Maker
Freezer Repairs
New Café A/C
New Aerator for Septic
Office Remodel/Sound Booth/Parking Lot
Electrical Wiring for Sound Booth
15% of our Offering
We still owe on the Office Remodel
May 31, 2024 — Money in the Bank
The floor was opened for questions.
Is it cement?Yes
What is a swale?A swale is like a low water crossing.
How soon will the project start?A week or two.
Motion Made
Wayne Heitshusen made a motion to approve $27,000 for this project.
Second by David Walker.
Motion passed.
Motion Made
Giles Montgomery made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 29, 2023, Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
Second by Jason Wolfe.
Motion passed.
Motion Made
Carl Sebesta made a motion to adjourn.
Second by Mary Gray.
Motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned
The meeting was closed with the Doxology.
Nominating Task Force Presentation & Elections
Current Election Information
Current Nominees
President (NOMINEE: Jesus “Zeus” Sánchez – 1 year left on term)
Harvest Hoedown was a success! This was the third week in October. We had around 15 volunteers from NJHS and adults from our church and other churches helping at the stations. It ran smoothly that I remember.
Boo Bash — the theme was Explore 365 We had a great group of volunteers that helped serve the 1000 people that came through the booth.
December 2023
Fantasy of Lights Float — Marcia Headed this up and did an incredible job decorating float and organizing it all.
Pregnancy Center, Christmas party activities
We provided games and crafts for the youth that attended the event. I believe they all enjoyed the activities.
May 2024
Trinity Ablaze In Kenya Mission Trip — Brenda, Shannon and I went on the trip. We were stationed in Nairobi. We got to visit the School of Hope and work in a vision clinic.
Team Nairobi, led by Dan Riemer, conducted a clinic at the Nairobi International Lutheran Church (NILC), Catherine Wangari’s home church. Four doctors from the Ministry of Health diagnosed each patient while 28 volunteers moved patients through the clinic and helped dispense glasses (reading and distance). Total attendance was 2094, highlighted by 213 salvations and 84 cataract referrals. The salvations were a direct result of the Holy Spirit working through Pastor Agnes and a team of 12 dedicated evangelists in Triage. The evangelists recorded vision problems, provided spiritual assistance, and prayed for special needs. What a blessing and privilege it is to partner with Kenyan doctors and local churches to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To God be the glory! Team members were Connie Kelly, Amy Kuehnle, Phyllis Tacquard, Angie Wolfe, Shannon Walker, Brenda Machala and Dan Riemer.
August 2024
Party in the Park -back to school event for youth. Partnering with First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church, and Impact Student Ministries. Hosting activities, worship, and food. It was a great event!
September 2024
Harvest Hoedown was a success! We did it early this year do to a conflict in my schedule. I believe it was the best yet. We also utilized the entire building and the 2187 side of the church parking lot.
We had 4 new games/rides this year. Drag racing, Mission Possible, Galilee Ragatta, and Sow seed. I saw a lot of new faces in the people that attended the event, and was told by several people that fun was had by all.
We had a large amount of our youth volunteers from the NJHS. They attended both shifts. The Lord answered prayers by sending adult volunteers! We had more then enough volunteers Saturday morning!
Thank you LifeBridge for putting on this event for our community!
Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.
On Sunday, October 29, 2023, following worship (around 11:15/11:30am), LifeBridge will hold its annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
Information and agenda items will appear below as they become available (so check back often).
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
LifeBridge Special Voters’ Meeting Minutes February 5, 2023
Call to Order – President Dale Leland called the meeting to order.
Opening Prayer – Pastor Scott Heitshusen opened the meeting with prayer.
Approval of Minutes Annual Meeting on October 30, 2022 – Jan Heitshusen made a motion to approve the October 30, 2022 Voters’ Meeting Minutes. Second by Jesus Sanchez. Motion passed.
Description and Explanation of Why We’re Here – Becky Jungklaus will soon complete her Deaconess program and will be ready for a call. LifeBridge Community Church could extend a call to Becky if approved by the congregation. There would be no funds associated with this call for LifeBridge. Becky would be raise her own funds. LifeBridge would be Becky’s home base; however, her ASL ministry could have her working as a missionary at large. A call by LifeBridge would put Becky on the list of LCMS trained ASL Deaconesses. A motion was made by Angie Wolfe that LifeBridge Community Church extend a call to Becky Jungklaus as a Deaconess. Second by Jason Wolfe. Motion passed.
“Open Ear”/Open Floor – President Leland asked if there were any topics not covered that needed to be discussed. None were presented.
Call for Adjournment – Mary Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Second by Angie Wolfe. Motion passed.
Closing Prayer – Pastor Scott closed with the Doxology.
Sherri Santoro Secretary, LifeBridge Community Church
Nominating Task Force Presentation & Elections
Current Election Information
Current Nominees
President: Vic Grisbee {Has agreed to serve on an interim basis until someone else steps up.}
Secretary: Sherri Santoro (incumbent)
Elder Position 1: Wayne Heitshusen(incumbent)
Elder Position 3: Giles Montgomery (incumbent)
Elder Position 5: Brad Biss (incumbent)
Elder Position 7: Pastor Dale Leland
{Treasurer: Mary is continuing to serve, but would still like to find a replacement!}
David Pacher calls the meeting to order. Pastor Scott opens in prayer.
Alan motions to approve the minutes from the January voters meetings. April seconds the motion. The ayes have it and the motion passes.
David explains the term limit questions in our constitution. The way it reads there are some gray areas.
Jeff moves that we allow members to complete a term and then serve two more terms. Jason seconds the motion. The ayes have it and motion passes.
David nominates Jason Wolfe as an elder for a one year term. Wayne Heitshusen, Giles Montgomery, Brad Biss, Jason Wolfe are all running as elders. There was a unanimous vote to elect the four as Elders.
Sherri Santoro is running for Secretary and is elected unanimously by the congregation.
David discusses the Treasurer and President positions and the need for volunteers for both of those.
Our 15% giving and 2021 budget were presented to the congregation. The income projection was kept the same for 2021, the expenses increased slightly due to staff pay increases and repairs/maintenance. Brief discussion on future plans involving spending. April motions to approve the 2022 budget, Jason seconds the motion. The ayes have it and the motion passes.
The congregation was presented with staff report updates.
David presents an opportunity to the congregation for any open discussion. John Scott reminds the congregation to reset AC and turn off lights if they have used the facility. Patsy give an update on the pantry and how many families they are serving. They are very grateful for LifeBridge in allowing them to use the facility.
Angie motions to adjourn, Collin seconds the motion. The ayes have it and motion passes. Alan closes the meeting in prayer.
Proposed Changes to the LifeBridge Constitution and By-Laws
Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.
Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.
Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.