The resource fair will have tables of non-profits, organizations, healthcare, etc., stationed for people to walk up and seek help. Some of the stations will include: Mental Health, Exercise and Physical Therapy, Nutrition, Benefits, SNAP, WIC, Sealy Resource Pregnancy Center, and more!
A dozen or so volunteers will be needed from 8:00-9:00 AM (in addition to the event itself) to help bag and prepare.
People will be available at a prayer station to pray with or for any who desire. You do not need to use the prayer station in order to receive food or utilize the other offered resources!
The Sealy Christian Pantry in partnership with the Houston Food Bank, will host a monthly Drive-Thru Produce Distribution on the first Saturday of each month!
This is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; however, if you are not an existing client of the Sealy Pantry, you will be asked to provide name, address, family size, any government assistance, and income.
The trucks will include a variety of items each month, including fresh fruits and vegetables, proteins, canned goods, dairy, and more. (Each month will be different.)
This is a great opportunity for youth and adults to volunteer. We will need individuals to prepare and bag produce and set up from 8am-9am. Distribution will run from 9am-11am and the volunteers will then be needed to load produce and other food items into vehicles.
To-go plates will be sold for $8 each. (Tickets available in advance, at the door, and before and after worship.)
Plates include:
4 pancakes
2 pork sausage patties
We will also have a table of desserts on the side for sale as folks come through the line for pancakes. (Desserts will include whole pies/cakes and individual servings.)
All proceeds will benefit our Building H.O.P.E. (“Helping Other People Eat”) capital campaign for raising money to build a new pantry.
As the Sealy Christian Food Pantry prepares for their Thanksgiving distribution, they are are asking all local churches that support the Pantry to collect canned yams/sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce.
These are items that are seasonal and are not provided by the Houston Food Bank, so your help is needed!
Please bring your cans an deposit them in the containers at the back of the sanctuary with the signs.
We thank you for your help in making a great Thanksgiving for others!
On Sunday, October 10, 2021, following worship (around 11:15/11:30am), LifeBridge will hold its annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
Information and agenda items are below and will be updated as needed until the meeting.
We will live-stream the meeting on the YouTube Channel for any who would like to view it.
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the January 10, 2021, Special Voters’ Meeting is available below or as a PDF here.
Mary Abbott-Gray – Treasurer
Collin Dwigans – VP/Staff
Brackston Nutt – Staff
April Treybig – Secretary
Jesus Sanchez – Elder
David Walker – Elder
Scott Heitshusen – Pastor
Giles Montgomery – Elder/Staff
Alan Boehm – Elder
Collin calls the meeting to order.
Pastor Scott opens in prayer.
Motion was made to approve the minutes from the last voters meeting. Motion was seconded. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
David Penner gives details about theSealy Pregnancy Resource Center, its history, and its purpose. David presented a proposal for Pregnancy Center’s new building. Pat gives insight as to what the plans are for the building and what they will be able to accomplish with the added space. Open discussion and questions were answered regarding the building and the effects it will and will not have on LifeBridge.
It was moved to lease the land to the Pregnancy Center. The motion was seconded. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Pastor Scott presented a Synodical request to add a year to the current 2019-2022 triennium. A motion was Giles made the following motion (as requested by the Synod, with wording from them):
“Shall the Synod add a year to the current 2019–2022 triennium, allowing districts to hold their conventions in either 2021 or 2022, and moving the upcoming national Synod Convention from 2022 to 2023? [Thereafter, the triennium cycle will continue forward from 2023 in three-year increments, as before (i.e., with district conventions held in 2025, 2028, etc., and Synod Conventions held in 2026, 2029, etc.).]”
Motion was seconded. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Collin closed the meeting in prayer.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Nominating Task Force Presentation & Elections
Need for Feedback – “Term Limits of Board Members”
The Problem
The By-Law dealing with term limits of those serving on the Management Team or Elders is vague. Consequently (and somewhat unknowingly), it has been interpreted differently over the years as evidence of who has been or can be elected to serve at different times.
Specifically, the sentences:
Management Team and Elders shall be limited to two consecutive terms…[An] appointed individual shall serve until the term for that particular position expires.
The question arises: “When someone is appointed to fill the remainder of a term for someone who vacated the office (moved, stepped down, etc.), is that person eligible to be elected for one more term or two?”
The Implications
If an appointed person serves out a portion of a term and are elected for another, they would end up only being able to serve less than two terms. That is, they would serve one term and one partial term. [Theoretically, if they were appointed a month before an election, they would only be able to serve, say, 25 months.]
If, on the other hand, someone who is appointed to fill a vacancy is still eligible to be elected to two more consecutive, full terms, they would still be under the requirement as they have not served more than two consecutive terms; merely two full and one partial terms. [Theoretically, if appointed on the first month after an election and subsequently elected to two more full terms, they could end up serving a total of 71 months.] But this would still be less than 3 terms.
The Consequences
We have had some who have served a partial term and one full term and it was deemed that they can’t run again because they were “term limited”.
We have had others who have served a partial term and two full terms before being deemed they have maxed out their terms. [In fact, some nominations below as well as some currently serving fall into this category.]
In addition, being a smaller congregation, we consistently have challenges filling elected positions. The current language in the by-law could serve to exacerbate this issue even more over time; disqualifying good, willing, and experienced candidates.
Current Election Information
Each year new officers of LifeBridge are needed due to vacancies.
This year the following positions are open and need to be filled:
Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.
Current Nominees
President: None
Treasurer: None
Secretary: Sherri Santoro
Elder Position 1: Wayne Heitshusen
Elder Position 2: Giles Montgomery
Elder Position 3: Brad Biss
Daniel Cardiff has offered to help in any position except President.
We started our drive thru distribution in the back of the sanctuary because of the Pandemic in March, 2020.
Almost a year later, who would have thought we would still be here, with no definitive end in sight to this Pandemic?
With that, we wanted to give you an update on how many families and individuals are being helped because of LifeBridge’s generosity and the use of this facility.
Prior to the Pandemic
Families served Every OTHER Week
Individuals served Every OTHER Week
Served from Ward Street location.
During the Pandemic
Families served EVERY Week
Individuals served EVERY Week
Served from LifeBridge location
These numbers are staggering, as the hungry people in our area has TRIPLED during the Pandemic. Job loss and financial strains have forced people that typically would not frequent a food pantry to rely on us to supplement their food needs.
PRAISE GOD that we at the Pantry have been blessed in so many ways during these challenging times.
Our biggest blessing by far is the use of LifeBridge Church for food storage and distribution.We give all the GLORY AND PRAISE TO GOD for making LifeBridge available to help those in need!
The Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center does some amazing work and helps out so many women and men facing difficult pregnancies and situations in our community. There are a lot of beautiful souls alive today because of the great work done by the caring people at the Pregnancy Center!
LifeBridge has been blessed to be a partner with them in their efforts by providing office space for the work they do.
But their ministry has grown far beyond expectations, and with that growth has come the need for more space!
The Lord has abundantly blessed LifeBridge with plenty of land for His glory and for the benefit of our community.
The leadership of LifeBridge and the Pregnancy Center would like to further this partnership and help grow this vital ministry by offering the Pregnancy Center a long-term, nominal lease ($1/year for 25 years, or something similar) so they may build a new building to accommodate current and future ministry needs by the Center.
To that end, a Special Voters’ Meeting has been called for Sunday, January 10, 2021, following worship, to discuss and vote on this possible endeavor.
We hope you will join us even as you keep LifeBridge and the Pregnancy Center in your prayers and heart.
Should you have any questions, please contact President Pacher, Pastor Scott, or another LifeBridge ministry leader.
Register to Vote Remotely
Voting members of LifeBridge wishing to vote from home during the meeting must register at the beginning of the meeting.
Text your name and mobile number to (713) 965-6761 to register. When its time to vote, text your vote [“Yes”, “No,” etc.] to that same number.
Please note, there is naturally a bit of lag between the events and online viewing of them. So, if a vote is simple and decisive (meaning they wouldn’t be affected by online votes), we may not wait for online votes to come in before moving on. We thank you for your understanding on this.
I. Call to Order
II. Opening Prayer
III. Approval of Minutes
Annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting Minutes October 25, 2020
David Pacher – President
Alan Boehm – Elder
Collin Dwigans – Staff
Mary Gray – Treasurer
Richard Clayton – Elder
Josh King – Elder
April Treybig – Secretary
Giles Montgomery – Elder
Scott Heitshusen – Pastor
Brackston Nutt – Elder
David called meeting to order.
Pastor Scott opens in prayer.
David spoke about the past year (pandemic challenges). LifeBridge did a great job keeping everyone connected and numbers seem to be on the rise again. God is GREAT! Land update – free and clear on land purchase. There are some upcoming conversations about partnerships with the Sealy Pantry and with the Pregnancy Center.
Approval of minutes — from the February 16, Special Voters’ Meeting — It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Nominations – David asks if there were any nominations on the floor. There were none so the positions up for voting are: Vice President – Colin Dwigans; Treasurer – None (still needed!); Elders – David Walker, Jose Sanchez and Richard Clayton (incumbent).
A motion was made and seconded to approve those people for those positions. The ayes had it and motion passed. New positions will be installed at the next service (November 1st).
Staff report videos are played.
Pastor Scott goes over Congregational Lay and Alternate Delegates for the Texas District Convention of the LCMS. It was moved and seconded to let the Board of Directors elect these people. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Mary gave financial report. Reviewed budget for 2021 for everyone. A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2021 budget. The ayes had it and the motion passed, approving the budget.
Open Discussion: Alan Boehm lets congregation know that Pastor Scott and his family would like to start having lunch with everyone. Signup sheets will be available for each family to sign up.
Pastor Scott says benediction to close the meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The ayes had it and the meeting is adjourned.
IV. Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center & LifeBridge — Presentation & Proposal
Sealy Pregnancy Resource Center P.O. Box 1108 Sealy, TX 77474-1108
Center Building Plan Proposal
LifeBridge Community Church
The center is a prolife 501(C)(3) nonprofit charity organization. We serve young ladies and young men from Pregnancy until the child’s third birthday, parents-to-be who are in the process of adopting and foster-parents in need of assistance. There are no income or age requirements. We see those primarily from Austin, Colorado, and Waller Counties. However, no client is turned away.
The pregnancy center has seen a significant amount of growth since its opening in February 2016.
The pregnancy center is currently occupying 1649’sqft of the 2000’sqft office area. The center is running out of space and in need of more space for offices, classrooms, boutique, etc. A metal storage unit was purchased to store the large items such as high chairs, strollers, etc. and utilizing the attic space over the center.
The proposal is to build a 6000 sqft building, move the metal storage building over, and turn the office space over to the church. Propose having a playground and prayer garden between the buildings for center’s clients and the children’s church.
Sealy PRC Proposal Aerial View
The following is a list of some of the rooms proposed for the building:
Waiting Room
Play area off Waiting Room
Kitchen / Lunch Room
Lab with Adjoining Office for Medical Personnel
Conference / Classroom #1
Conference / Classroom #2
Storage Room (IT Equipment, Supplies, etc.)
Boutique (Large Shopping Floor)
Donation Receiving
Includes Sink, Laundry Facilities, and Office
Client Services Room
Training Materials, Desks for Volunteers, Client Files
2 Booths with Computers (Assistance with Medicaid enrollment, Resumes, etc.)
Dress for Success Room (Dressing room with Maternity and Work Clothes for Mom)
Storage area for Deliveries
Multi-purpose Room (Lamaze, Pregnancy Yoga, and CPR Classes)
Our Programs
Case Management
We are a small community organization made up of a group of dedicated individuals committed to mentoring and developing young moms. With that, we are able to offer personalized Case Management tailored to her individual needs. Meeting her where she is in her life-walk is critically important in being able to connect and form that important relationship. With case management we meet with the client, assess her needs, and put forth an action plan tailored specifically for her. Our goal is to equip her with the tools she needs to be a good role-model for her children and a contributing member in the community in which she resides. All of our programs are designed with this goal in mind.
When a mother-to-be comes in for a pregnancy test, if her test is positive, she is given a packet which includes a 2-week supply of prenatal vitamins, a listing of medical professionals who take Medicaid patients, a listing of pediatricians, food pantry locations, WIC locations, resources for a car seat, etc. She is provided with a starter packet to get her off to a good start. If she has any additional needs, we maintain a list of resources on hand.
We are a part of the Community Partner Program through Health and Human Services. We assist clients with enrollment in programs such as Pregnancy Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, etc.
There are times when a mother is in need of parenting classes due to custody, CPS, and other issues. The Case Manager will assess the individual to determine the level of need, and tailor the sessions accordingly. Referrals to external agencies may be recommended dependent upon the severity of the situation.
Wellness Checks / Home Visits
Periodically there may be a need to visit our clients in their home. Transportation is limited in our rural community and a mother does not always have access to a vehicle. If the mother cannot make it into the center, sessions can be conducted through video chat and the structured classes can be sent to her phone. However, this requires that she has internet access or a reliable phone plan. Rarely is this the case in the rural and underserved areas where service is limited or too expensive.
All staff are required to visit in pairs. For safety, no staff member is allowed to conduct a Home Visit alone. During Home Visits, staff bring material items such as diapers and wipes, etc. We also assess the home environment to ensure home-life is safe for the children and mom. Home Visits are not frequently required, but is an available service.
‘HAND-UP!’ Program
We believe that building strong relationships with our clients, has a deeper more positive impact in their lives, and their children’s lives for generations to come. Our ‘HAND-UP!’ program is designed to build a strong, stable, self-sufficient individual who is ready to take on all that the world has to offer. We give them the foundation they need to provide for their family in the best way possible. Instead of just providing a ‘HAND-OUT’, we provide a ‘HAND-UP!’ through our educational programs, by partnering with and connecting to other agencies and social services, peer-counseling, incentive programs, and assistance with diapers, formula, wipes, maternity clothing, infant clothing, strollers, walkers, highchairs, and more.
Through our Earn Based Learning program, new and expectant moms and dads receive items for their babies, as well as valuable knowledge through our educational program. By making appointments, meeting with our staff for peer-counseling or classes and homework assignments, they earn “mommy bucks,” which can used to purchase diapers, formula, clothing, and more from our boutique. These visits provide valuable opportunities to build relationships, and guidance on important issues for their family.
They also earn mommy bucks for attending peer-counseling, OBGYN appointments, WIC appointments, church attendance, and taking their children in for their well-child medical and dental checkups. By doing so, they are learning the importance of being committed to the health and well-being of themselves and their family.
This is a new program in the making. The job of being a mother is tough. Mothers are pulled in so many directions, especially those with no experience. They are often stressed, tired and lonely. This often leads into a cycle of making poor decisions in parenting and in their relationships. Many complain that they don’t have anyone to talk to, or just to ask questions on life issues. Through the ‘BATTLE BUDDY MENTOR MOMS!’ program, a mother is partnered with someone who will walk and guide her through the difficult times by providing that support, encouragement, and coaching she so desperately needs and through the tough battles she encounters.
One does not have to be a mother to be a Battle Buddy. A Battle Buddy is one who is committed to providing the support needed to help a young mom through the difficult battles she is facing. Many of our young moms are single mothers. These young mothers and mothers-to-be learn from those who are experienced and wise. These Battle Buddies can provide insight into how to handle a crying infant, tough toddler, rebellious tween, relationship issues impacting parenting, and more.
Ultrasound services fall under the supervision of the Medical Director. Our Medical Director is a physician who volunteers his/her service to oversee all of our medical related programs. Ultrasound services are offered to our pregnant young ladies, between ten and twenty weeks of gestation. Ultrasound services are provided for verification of pregnancy. Scans can be released to a physician per the request of a client, if she signs a release. No diagnosis is provided, as this is the role of her physician. Our Ultrasound services are conducted by volunteer medical personnel, as the center does not have the funds to hire full time medical personnel at this time.
When a young mother sees her baby for the first time, motherhood becomes a reality. In seeing the baby move around and play, it helps her to understand the importance of proper prenatal care for her child and the need for planning for the upcoming birth. At this point we encourage her to participate in our educational programs to learn more about proper prenatal care and how important it is for the development of her baby.
It’s important to develop a volunteer recruitment strategy to get the right volunteers serving. Volunteers are critical to our organization. Not only do volunteers help to save money, but they can provide superior service to clients, increase contact with the greater community, bring in expertise otherwise unavailable, and reduce cost of services.
Volunteers can be the go-getters who work with the young ladies and young men, and can put on special events such as auctions, galas, or raffles. This is particularly helpful when making plans for a capital campaign.
And let’s not forget; volunteers who serve on the Board of Directors and committees. They are the lifeblood of nonprofit organizations.
With a clear idea of what needs to be accomplished and with direction from staff, volunteers can expand Sealy Pregnancy Resource Centers’ horizons, bringing skills and expertise that will increase client support, and become new and dear friends. We would not be where we are without our supporters. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Some funds have been collected and for the remainder we will have to start a capital campaign. We are off to a great start. God’s hand is evident in every step we have taken on this journey. We continue to keep our focus on spreading His love and compassion in all that we do. This is not a one-man journey; it takes a community to work together to empower these men and women to be better parents, providers and role models for their families.
“Shall the Synod add a year to the current 2019–2022 triennium, allowing districts to hold their conventions in either 2021 or 2022, and moving the upcoming national Synod Convention from 2022 to 2023? [Thereafter, the triennium cycle will continue forward from 2023 in three-year increments, as before (i.e., with district conventions held in 2025, 2028, etc., and Synod Conventions held in 2026, 2029, etc.).]”
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, following worship (around 11:15/11:30am), LifeBridge will hold its annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
Information and agenda items are below and will be updated as needed until the meeting.
We will live-stream the meeting on the YouTube Channel for any who would like to view it.
For members who will not be able to make it, we will (as stated above), life-stream the meeting and allow for time to have your voted texted in.
This will be the procedure:
Any voting member of LifeBridge may vote via text during the time of the meeting. (Not before or after, so they must be watching the life-stream.)
Members who wish to vote must text their name from the number they will be voting from (their mobile number) to Pastor Heitshusen’s cell phone (713/965-6761) at the beginning of the meeting. [e.g. member “Buckey Ralfenson” will text “Buckey Ralfenson” from his cell number to Pastor Heitshusen.]
When a vote is taking place, the member will text his vote to Pastor Heitshusen. He will respond to each that the vote has been received. [e.g., if Buckey Ralfenson wants to vote for ‘Claudia Messindorf’ in the current election, he will text “Claudia Messindorf” to Pastor Heitshusen. If he wants to vote ‘yes’ or ‘yea’ on an items, he would text that to Pastor Heitshusen. Pastor will acknowledge the receipt of each text vote received.]
Pastor Heitshusen will tally the votes received and pass it on to Congregational Secretary April Treybig and President David Pacher for recording and announcement, but will keep all votes received from whom confidential with him! [i.e., no one else will know who voted by text or for whom/what.]
Each voting member who desires to vote by text must follow this procedure for each vote. Multiple votes for an item from one number for others will not be accepted and will be considered void. [i.e., one person in a family cannot send one text with the votes from all others in the household. Each member in the household must send in their vote separately and independently.]
Since there is a delay between the real-time and live-stream happenings, a few minutes will be allowed for each vote to ensure those voting by text have time to both watch the discussion and vote before the meeting progresses to the next item.
We hope this will be helpful for those voting members who want to take part and vote in the important matters of LifeBridge but cannot be there in person.
David called the meeting to order and opened with a prayer.
First item on the agenda is to approve the minutes from the last voter’s meeting. Ryan moves to accept the minutes from the last meeting. Alan seconds the motion to pass the minutes. The ayes had it and motion passed.
Second item on the agenda is to approve the new youth leader that the youth search team and board have selected – Giles Montgomery. David gave a brief rundown of how the decision was made. There was a unanimous decision by the youth search team to have Giles be the new youth leader. Colton and Pastor Scott gave a few reasons why they chose Giles. Jeff made the motion for Giles to become new youth leader. Tegan seconded the motion. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Third item on the agenda. Pastor Scott presented the changes to the Synodical constitution; why they are needed and why this ratification is needed. Brackston moved that we approve. David seconded the motion. The ayes had it and the motion passed.
Fourth item on the agenda: Part time communications director position. David explained what the PT Communications Director would do and where/why he and the board feel there is a need for this person. We will be posting the position internally for 7 days, then a group will be put together to interview the applicants and a decision will be made from there.
Susan moved that we post the position and get the ball rolling on the position. Tegan seconded the motion. The ayes had is and the motion passed.
Sue brought up the question about non-members having any voting rights who regularly attend here and tithe. Brief congregation discussion about why the rules are in place and what that would mean for the church.
David gave an update on the land. After negotiation – $21,000 an acre is the deciding cost. LifeBridge will pay half up front (a little over $50,000) and half after the campaign. Current balance is $35,620 for the land fund. Katie asked if there were any considerations in doing a fundraiser to get the funds for the land. David let her know that we have had some discussion about that, but do not want people to feel pressured. Giles closed the meeting with prayer. Giles made a motion to adjourn. Angie seconded. The Ayes had it and the meeting is adjourned.
Nominating Task Force Presentation & Elections
Each year new officers of LifeBridge are needed due to vacancies.
This year the following positions are open and need to be filled:
Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.
Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)
Self-nominations are acceptable.
You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.
Current Nominees
Vice President: None
Treasurer: None
Elder Position 1: None
Elder Position 2: None
Elder Position 3: None
Elder Position 4: None
Nominations from the Floor
Staff & Ministry Reports
Lay Delegate and Alternate for the Texas District Convention, June 10-12, 2021, in San Marcos
Every three years the Texas District of the LC-MS (our parent denominational body) meets in convention for matters of theology, growth, business, encouragement, vision, fellowship, and more.
Next summer, on June 10-12, 2021, the Texas District will have their next convention. in San Marcos.
Every congregation of the Texas District sends a pastoral and lay delegate.
LifeBridge needs to elect a lay delegate (and alternate, in the event that person cannot serve) for this convention.
The person must be a member of LifeBridge and be available and willing to serve on those dates in San Marcos.
LifeBridge may
elect these persons at this meetings, [sample suggestion motion: “I move that {name 1} be elected as our Lay Delegate and {name 2} as our alternate lay delegate to the 2021 Convention of the Texas District of the LC-MS.”]
delegate the election to another body (like the Board of Directors), [sample suggestion motion: “I move that the LifeBridge Board of Directors elect a lay and alternate lay delegate to the 2021 Convention of the Texas District of the LC-MS on the congregation’s behalf.”] or
have another Voters’ Meeting on another date prior to the deadline (May 10, 2021). [sample suggestion motion: “I move that this item be tabled for a later and possibly special voters’ meeting before the deadline.”]
Any questions may be directed to Pastor Heitshusen.