Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Sermon Series (Page 3 of 7)

“HOSEA – A Call to Faithfulness” Sermon Series

I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God instead of entirely burned offerings.

Hosea 6:6 (ceb)

Hosea is one of those Bible books that often gets overlooked. There are some difficulties in it and, like most prophets, some of the things he has to say, well, don’t sound nice!

It’s as if what God has to say isn’t what we want to hear!

But it is something we need to hear – and then obey!

Hosea speaks to a people who have been grossly unfaithful to God, “whoring” after other gods and nations; being appallingly unfaithful in every way to the God to loves them.

He also warns Israel of the coming disaster – being conquered and deported to Assyria.

Yet, the story does not end in Assyria, but with the assurance of a coming Messiah, through Whom God’s loving covenant will be renewed – forever!

Our faithlessness as a people and as the Christian Church has plenty to heed from what God says through Hosea. Although we do not fear deportation again, we are called to be faithful in our love and commitment to God and His good, righteous Word and Law!

May we be so faithful!

Thank You, Lord God, for Your faithful and never-ending love for us!

Join us, starting June 4, 2023!

Love So Humble in Obedience

Jesus riding into Jerusalem “triumphantly” on Palm Sunday must have been strange.

Yes, He was entering as King, but He was also entering knowing that before the week’s end, He would be abandoned, denied, suffer ruthlessly, and die horribly.

Of course, He would also share a Last Meal with His disciples, conquer sin, death, and the devil, but the bad coming would still have be endured; and that wasn’t something to look forward to.

Yet He did it.

Willingly. Humbly. Obediently. Lovingly.

His love for us was showing through His obedience to the Father’s will.

That’s just amazing!

“Enter, Lord Jesus, into our hearts and help us love so obediently as You did!”


  • John 12:12-19
  • Philippians 2:5-11

O LOVE, How Deep, How Broad, How High

Our sermon series for the Lenten season is, “O LOVE, How Deep, How Broad, How High.” It is based upon a series by the same name ©2021, by The Rev. Dr. Thomas Egger, president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (used with permission).

In this series we will explore the vastness of God’s love for His people, the lengths that He went through to assure our presence with Him eternally, and how that love affects us and our living.

I hope you’ll join us!

“Those Whom God Calls” Sermon Series

Coming off the high of the 10th Anniversary celebration (what an awesome day!), it’s easy to ask, “what now”?

But Pastor Popovits gave us some truths that deserve further exploration.

He mentioned that those God Calls and sends, He

  • humbles,
  • sanctifies,
  • instructs, and
  • joins.

Those will be our themes for the next four weeks as we close out the season of Epiphany!

Join us as we explore together, “Those Whom God Calls!”

January 29 through February 19, 2023.

BAPTISM: Renewal and Rebirth!

Ever wondered about baptism?

Why did God give it? What are the benefits? How should it be done? Why does it matter? When should you be baptized? Who should be baptized?

So many questions – especially for such an important Gift and topic!

On Sunday, January 8, and 15, 2023, we will have a sermon mini-series to answer these questions and more!

An at the end of the sermon on January 15, the Sacrament of Baptism will be available for those the Lord is Calling to be baptized! (It would be helpful to read more about baptism first and fill out an application here.)

Join us for this special series and event!

Mary’s Advent / Our Advent

We will begin a new sermon series for Advent and the Sundays after Christmas: “Mary’s Advent / Our Advent”.

In this series for Advent and Christmas we will look at “Mary’s Advent” for the time leading up to, including, and just following Jesus’ birth, as well as our own Advent in the process.

I hope you’ll join us!

1 Corinthians: “For the Sake of the Gospel” — Sermon Series

I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.

1 Corinthians 9:22b

Starting Sunday, June 19, 2022, we will begin a sermon series on the book of 1 Corinthians titled, “For the Sake of the Gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:23).

This will be an extended look encompassing the entire book over the course of several months as there is so many exciting truths and helps St. Paul shares in this epistle for our lives and times today!

You won’t want to miss this one, so make it a point to join us!

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