Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Service (Page 1 of 2)

Ladies’ Blanket Tie Service Project and Breakfast

JOIN US LADIES, for a service project and some breakfast snacks!

We’ll be be knotting blankets together for Texas Children’s Hospital and share in some breakfast snacks.

Meaningful service and great fellowship! How can you turn that down?!

A freewill offering will be taken to cover the cost of fabric.

DATESaturday, February 17, 2024
LOCATIONLifeBridge Café
BRINGA freewill offering.
QUESTIONSDorrie or Marci

Border Bags

The Freedom Church Alliance (“FCA”). of which LifeBridge is a partner, wants to help those who are being taken advantage of at the border.

Border Bags is a brand new initiative they are undertaking after having become aware in recent months of exploitation taking place among the influx of people at the border.

The FCA and LifeBridge are feeling led by the Lord to respond!

We know that as women and children make their way to the border there is a greater risk for them either being exploited – if they are not already experiencing it.

So we are responding alongside the FCA by:

  1. helping put together bags for women and children and
  2. in a few months deliver these bags to the border for distribution. (We don’t know what this part will look just yet but will keep you informed.)

We are making 20 bags: 12 for women and 8 for children.


To make this easier, click here for a Walmart Registry setup with items. (or search the Walmart Registry for “Border Bag List”).

If you purchase “like items” not on the registry, please text Astra (517/525.5604) or Angie (979/627.5817) and they will manually update the registry.


  1. Travel size Hygiene Kit
  2. Gym Shorts
  3. Basic T-Shirt
  4. Socks
  5. Underwear
  6. Flip Flops
  7. Small Stuffed Animal
  8. Coloring Book & Crayons
  9. Spanish Children’s Bible

Here’s what we need from you:

  • Take an empty bag.
  • Fill it as appropriate for a woman or child.
  • Return it by September 23.

That’s it!

Thanks for helping us help those being exploited! You are making a difference!

Women’s Ministry Service Project & Potluck Lunch

JOIN US LADIES, for a service project and potluck lunch!

We’ll be be knotting blankets together for Texas Children’s Hospital and share in a potluck lunch.

Meaningful service and great fellowship! How can you turn that down?!


  • $5 to cover the cost of the fabric
  • a potluck item to share for lunch

We need to know how much fabric to order, so please RSVP.

DATESaturday, March 4, 2023
TIME10:00 AM
LOCATIONLifeBridge Café
BRING$5 to cover the cost of the fabric and
a potluck item to share for lunch
CONTACTDorrie White at (713) 202-1269

Service Workday at New Heart of Texas — June 11

A service workday has been scheduled at New Heart of Texas in Hempstead on Saturday, June 11, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

New Heart of Texas mission is “To provide hope and healing to those whose hearts have been broken through traumatic events such as abortion, sexual abuse, divorce, and marital problems.”

This is an area sorely needed and lacking.

LifeBridge can help!

We are having a workday on Saturday, June 11, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

Join us as we help those in our community heal with the love of Jesus!

Contact Angie Wolfe at (979) 627-5817 if you can help. She will answer any questions and get you the address of where we will be in Hempstead.

Bags for the Homeless

These are bags you can make and keep in your car to give to those who are homeless or someone in need.

They are practical, simple, inexpensive, and easy to hand out at traffic lights or other places.

Some items that can be included:

  • Scripture passages
  • personal note of encouragement
  • package of anti-bacteria wipes
  • box of bandaides
  • personal care kit (clippers, scissors, comb, file)
  • toothpaste and toothbrush
  • meat and cheese
  • trail mix
  • peanut butter crackers
  • socks
  • list of resources:
    • EMMAS PLACE: 6118 Marble Hollow Ln; Katy 77450
    • HOPE IMPACTS: 802 Dominion Dr.; Katy 77450; 713/705.7884
    • ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: 5356 11th St.; Katy 77493; 281/391.1540

Questions? Contact Marci Migura at (832) 654-8438

Fill a Bag. Bless Someone. Pass it on.

Ladies, we have nice bags we want to bless folks with!

There is a card on each bag with instructions.

Fill the bag ($5-7) and give to someone else.

They will then, in turn, fill the bag (again, $5-7) and pass it on to someone else!

And so on … and so on … and so on!

Some ideas of things you can put in the bags include:

  • coffee meg, coffee, devotion book
  • pasta, spaghetti sauce, oven mitt, cooking utensils
  • fuzzy socks, bubble bath lotion
  • devotional/journal and a pen
  • cookies, small loaf of bread, chocholate
  • small flower pot, seeds, garden gloves
  • candle, bookmark, a good book
  • personal note added by choice

Keep the blessings flowing!

Blessing Bags

Join us to decorate Blessing BAGS! (NOTE: This is a different service project from “Blessing Boxes” we’ve done before.)

We want to make creative bags that will later be filled and given to someone to bless them.

Here’s what we’re going to do…

  • Bring yourself and your creativity (bags and decorating supplies will be provided).
  • Enjoy the others! Talk, laugh, and decorate the bags.
  • Take a bag home.
  • Pray and think about who needs to be blessed.
  • Fill the bag with items that will bless that person. (Keep it simple and have fun with it!)
  • Deliver the bag to the person with a smile!

Bring a Here we will each decorate a small canvas bag.

That’s it!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

DATE:Saturday, February 26
TIME:9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
LOCATION:LifeBridge Café
CONTACT:Marci Migura

Help Abused and Neglected Kids Eat & Have Shoes

We’re collecting gift cards to help buy lunch and possible a new pair of shoes for children who are removed from their homes in Austin County due to abuse and/or neglect.

YOU can help provide the best volunteer advocacy for some of these children in our very own community!

Suggested gift cards:
$10 for Restaurants
$30 from Walmart for shoes



A ONE-TIME DAY EVENT has just come up for the Sealy Christian Food Pantry for this Saturday, December 18, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at TJ Mills Stadium!

The Houston Food Bank just made a large amount of proteins, produce, and dairy available for wide-scale distribution in the Sealy area.

There is a 2 families per car limit!

If you can help out, please contact Sue Krystynik at (713) 314-7355! Your help is greatly appreciated!

Come and Help Other People Eat this Saturday!

GALATIANS – A Helping Hand

I died to the Law through the Law, so that I could live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the life that I now live in my body, I live by faith, indeed, by the faithfulness of God’s Son, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 2:19–20 (CEB)

Fend for yourself or for others?

Well, it’s a bit of both.

We are called to bear our own load, but also are to “bear one another’s burdens.”

Really, it’s about living out the sacrificial life of love for others.

Paul puts it well: “as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Loving others means helping others, just as Jesus loves and helps us!


  • Galatians 5:26—6:18
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