Reaching the Lost. Discipling the Saved. Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone.

Tag: Voters Meeting (Page 2 of 2)


On Sunday, October 25, 2020, following worship (around 11:15/11:30am), LifeBridge will hold its annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting.

Information and agenda items are below and will be updated as needed until the meeting.

We will live-stream the meeting on the YouTube Channel for any who would like to view it.

For members who will not be able to make it, we will (as stated above), life-stream the meeting and allow for time to have your voted texted in.

This will be the procedure:

  1. Any voting member of LifeBridge may vote via text during the time of the meeting. (Not before or after, so they must be watching the life-stream.)
  2. Members who wish to vote must text their name from the number they will be voting from (their mobile number) to Pastor Heitshusen’s cell phone (713/965-6761) at the beginning of the meeting. [e.g. member “Buckey Ralfenson” will text “Buckey Ralfenson” from his cell number to Pastor Heitshusen.]
  3. When a vote is taking place, the member will text his vote to Pastor Heitshusen. He will respond to each that the vote has been received. [e.g., if Buckey Ralfenson wants to vote for ‘Claudia Messindorf’ in the current election, he will text “Claudia Messindorf” to Pastor Heitshusen. If he wants to vote ‘yes’ or ‘yea’ on an items, he would text that to Pastor Heitshusen. Pastor will acknowledge the receipt of each text vote received.]
  4. Pastor Heitshusen will tally the votes received and pass it on to Congregational Secretary April Treybig and President David Pacher for recording and announcement, but will keep all votes received from whom confidential with him! [i.e., no one else will know who voted by text or for whom/what.]
  5. Each voting member who desires to vote by text must follow this procedure for each vote. Multiple votes for an item from one number for others will not be accepted and will be considered void. [i.e., one person in a family cannot send one text with the votes from all others in the household. Each member in the household must send in their vote separately and independently.]
  6. Since there is a delay between the real-time and live-stream happenings, a few minutes will be allowed for each vote to ensure those voting by text have time to both watch the discussion and vote before the meeting progresses to the next item.

We hope this will be helpful for those voting members who want to take part and vote in the important matters of LifeBridge but cannot be there in person.


Call to Order

Opening Prayer

Approval of Minutes

Available below or as a PDF here.


David Pacher – PresidentRichard Clayton – ElderCollin Dwigans – Staff
Norma Summers – VPGiles Montgomery – ElderStacy Wills – Staff
April Treybig – SecretaryTegan Summers – ElderRyan Pacher – Staff
Scott Heitshusen – PastorBrackston Nutt – ElderRoss Bentley – Elder
Alan Boehm – ElderBrad Biss – ElderCongregation

David called the meeting to order and opened with a prayer.

First item on the agenda is to approve the minutes from the last voter’s meeting. Ryan moves to accept the minutes from the last meeting. Alan seconds the motion to pass the minutes. The ayes had it and motion passed.

Second item on the agenda is to approve the new youth leader that the youth search team and board have selected – Giles Montgomery. David gave a brief rundown of how the decision was made. There was a unanimous decision by the youth search team to have Giles be the new youth leader. Colton and Pastor Scott gave a few reasons why they chose Giles. Jeff made the motion for Giles to become new youth leader. Tegan seconded the motion. The ayes had it and the motion passed.

Third item on the agenda. Pastor Scott presented the changes to the Synodical constitution; why they are needed and why this ratification is needed. Brackston moved that we approve. David seconded the motion. The ayes had it and the motion passed.

Fourth item on the agenda: Part time communications director position. David explained what the PT Communications Director would do and where/why he and the board feel there is a need for this person. We will be posting the position internally for 7 days, then a group will be put together to interview the applicants and a decision will be made from there.

Susan moved that we post the position and get the ball rolling on the position. Tegan seconded the motion. The ayes had is and the motion passed.

Sue brought up the question about non-members having any voting rights who regularly attend here and tithe. Brief congregation discussion about why the rules are in place and what that would mean for the church.

David gave an update on the land. After negotiation – $21,000 an acre is the deciding cost. LifeBridge will pay half up front (a little over $50,000) and half after the campaign. Current balance is $35,620 for the land fund. Katie asked if there were any considerations in doing a fundraiser to get the funds for the land. David let her know that we have had some discussion about that, but do not want people to feel pressured. Giles closed the meeting with prayer. Giles made a motion to adjourn. Angie seconded. The Ayes had it and the meeting is adjourned.

Nominating Task Force Presentation & Elections


Each year new officers of LifeBridge are needed due to vacancies.

This year the following positions are open and need to be filled:

  1. Congregational Vice President (Position Description – VP)
  2. Congregational Treasurer (Position Description – Treasurer)
  3. Four (4) members of the Board of Elders (Position Description – Elder)

Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.

Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)

Self-nominations are acceptable.

You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.

Current Nominees

  1. Vice President: None
  2. Treasurer: None
  3. Elder Position 1: None
  4. Elder Position 2: None
  5. Elder Position 3: None
  6. Elder Position 4: None

Nominations from the Floor

Staff & Ministry Reports


Lay Delegate and Alternate for the Texas District Convention, June 10-12, 2021, in San Marcos

Every three years the Texas District of the LC-MS (our parent denominational body) meets in convention for matters of theology, growth, business, encouragement, vision, fellowship, and more.

Next summer, on June 10-12, 2021, the Texas District will have their next convention. in San Marcos.

Every congregation of the Texas District sends a pastoral and lay delegate.

LifeBridge needs to elect a lay delegate (and alternate, in the event that person cannot serve) for this convention.

The person must be a member of LifeBridge and be available and willing to serve on those dates in San Marcos.

LifeBridge may

  1. elect these persons at this meetings, [sample suggestion motion: “I move that {name 1} be elected as our Lay Delegate and {name 2} as our alternate lay delegate to the 2021 Convention of the Texas District of the LC-MS.”]
  2. delegate the election to another body (like the Board of Directors), [sample suggestion motion: “I move that the LifeBridge Board of Directors elect a lay and alternate lay delegate to the 2021 Convention of the Texas District of the LC-MS on the congregation’s behalf.”] or
  3. have another Voters’ Meeting on another date prior to the deadline (May 10, 2021). [sample suggestion motion: “I move that this item be tabled for a later and possibly special voters’ meeting before the deadline.”]

Any questions may be directed to Pastor Heitshusen.

More information here.

Strategic Plan

  • Youth & Families
  • Pregnancy Center
  • Anti-Trafficking
  • Pantry
  • Land

Worship: Collin Dwigans

Children: Stacy Wills

Youth: Giles Montgomery

Outreach: Angie Wolfe

Trustee: Vacant

Board Reports

President: David Pacher

Head Elder: Alan Boehm

Treasurer: Mary Abbott-Gray

Financial Statement – September 30, 2020

Here is a Financial Statement for LifeBridge for September 30, 2020.


One of LifeBridge’s Foundational Principles is “to give 15% or more of the Church’s income for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.”

The following is a summary of what LifeBridge has given away for this effort since 2015!

We praise God for the honor and privileged of helping and serving others!

Budget Presentation / Approval

Password Protected Post here with the proposed 2021 Budget.
Password will be available on the screen during the meeting.

Open Discussion

Closing Prayer

Call to Adjourn

2020 LifeBridge Officer Nominations

Each year new officers of LifeBridge are needed due to vacancies.

This year the following positions are open and need to be filled:

  1. Congregational Vice President (Position Description – VP)
  2. Congregational Treasurer (Position Description – Treasurer)
  3. Four (4) members of the Board of Elders (Position Description – Elder)

Click to the right of each above for a description of the position, including duties, qualifications, limits, etc. Please read through those position descriptions prior to nominating someone for a position to make sure the person meets the requisites.

Any voting member of LifeBridge may nominate or be nominated for each of these positions (with the gender restriction for those serving on the Board of Elders), with the stipulation that the prior approval of the person being nominated must be secured. (That is, if you are going to nominate someone, talk to them first and get their approval.)

Self-nominations are acceptable.

You may nominate by filling in the form below. Or, if you would prefer to not do so via the form, please email both the LifeBridge President and Vice President your nominations.

Adjacent Land Purchased!

LifeBridge Community Church is now in possession of additional land, increasing our overall acreage and allowing for increased opportunities!

The congregation of LifeBridge had overwhelmingly approved going forward with this opportunity and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will move us in it’s use in the days and years to come!

A very special THANK YOU to those on the Land Committee for all their efforts to bring this to fruition!

  • Alan Boehm
  • Vic Grisbee
  • David Pacher
  • David Penner

“Thank you, Lord!”

Special Congregational Voters’ Meeting

A special meeting of the voters of LifeBridge will be held on Sunday, February 16, following worship. (See Article XII. B. of the LB Constitution for more information on special meetings.)

There will be four items on the agenda: (More information on items 1-3 is below.)

  1. Request to approve the hire of the next LB Youth Leader
  2. Request for ratification and approval of a change to the Constitution & By-Laws of our national church body (“Synod”)
  3. A proposal for a PT director of communications and request for approval
  4. A status update regarding the possibility of the purchase of adjacent land

All are welcome to attend, though only members of LB may
vote on issues.

Request to approve the hire of the next LB Youth Leader

On October 9, 2019, we posted information
regarding the upcoming vacancy of the Youth Leader position
at LifeBridge.

A search team was formed and received information on
candidates. Following discussion, interviews, and prayers, the team came to a unanimous
in their recommendation, putting forth Giles Montgomery
before the LB Board for their consideration.

At their monthly meeting on Monday, February 3, 2020, the Board unanimously (minus Giles’ abstention) endorsed this recommendation and now, in turn, will put forth that recommendation to the voters of LifeBridge.

Request for ratification and approval of a change to the
Constitution of our national church body (“Synod”)

Every three years our national church body, “The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod” (“LCMS”), meets in convention to discuss policy, doctrine, pray, celebrate, and take care of other various church and administrative business.

At their meeting last summer (2019), needed changes to the Synodical
Constitution and By-Laws was proposed and passed by the delegates. Since it is
a change to the Constitution & By-Laws, a certain percentage of member
congregations (including LifeBridge) must ratify these decisions before they
are fully approved and can take effect.

These votes must be received by the Synod from member
congregations by March 16.

Some general information can be found here:

Should you desire more detail as to the background and reasoning for the proposed changes, you can look at page 189 of this PDF. titled, “To Amend the Constitution to Address Individual Membership and Advisory Representation. Resolution 9-05”. {Catchy, right?!}

More explanation and information will be shared at the voters’ meeting.

A proposal for a PT director of communications and request
for approval

Questions often come up regarding if we have sermons available online and why don’t we post more on social media. The short answer is that, although we do record most of the messages, we don’t do anything with them. Additionally, we don’t have anyone who is regularly updating our main social ministry channels. These things take time, willingness, and expertise – and the right person to do them.

We know that when we have videos that are professional and
they are posted, we see increased interest and engagement. We also know that
these things do not “just happen” and that to do it right takes some specific
talent and expertise.

While LifeBridge can’t do everything, we feel it is important to cover this area of ministry. The LB Pastor and Board are proposing the creation of a PT position to cover some of these areas. If approved, the position will be posted and the person will be hired on a probationary period set by the Board.

Special Voters’ Meeting re: Adjacent Land

** UPDATE **

December 24, 2019

The congregation of LifeBridge overwhelmingly approved going forward with negotiations for the land adjacent to our current property!

Should negotiations prove successful and fit within the scope of what was authorized by the congregation, the purchase will be completed and the deal executed through the Board of Directors. If, however, the counter from the owner is outside of the amount and terms discussed, the Land Committee will return to the Voters.

Please keep the process in prayers that the Lord’s Will is done – both through these negotiations and, if fruitful, in any future use.


A Special Congregational Voters’ Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 15, following worship to share, discuss, and possibly vote on adjacent land.

All are welcome to attend and voice. Voting Members only are allowed vote.

Come and hear what what has been researched and see if it’s where the Lord is leading LifeBridge.

* A correction/update was made from the December 16 update to reflect that the committee is authorized to complete the deal through the Board of Directors should it fall within what the congregation authorized.

SPECIAL VOTERS MEETING – November 10, 2019

There will be a special Congregational Voters Meeting on Sunday, November 10, 2019, immediately following the worship service.

Congregational VP


Job Descriptions

The sole agenda item is to elect a congregational Vice President for a one year term and an additional elder for a one year term.

Nominations or interest in the positions may be made to the Nominations Team listed below, filled in through the form below, or filling out the sheet at the table in the back of the sanctuary. They may also be made from the floor at the meeting on November 10.

Fill out this form to Nominate / Self-Nominate for Either or Both Positions here!

Form via QR Code

Nominations of others should have the consent of the person they are nominating.

A person may self-nominate (i.e., indicate their own desire to serve in this position.)

Nominating Team:

  • Vice President David Pacher (Chair)
  • Mr. Vic Grisbee
  • Mrs. Norma Summers
  • Mrs. Angie Wolfe
  • Elder Brackston Nutt
  • Mr. David Penner

Annual Congregational Voters’ Meeting – Board Positions Available

One Sunday, October 27, following worship, LifeBridge will hold it’s annual Voter’s Meeting.

Besides a pastoral report (including items related to the Strategic Plan), we will approve a 2020 operating budget and elect members to the Board of Directors.

In regard to the Board of Directors, there are three positions which will be open and are available for nominations. They are:

If you are a LifeBridge member and have a desire to serve in one of these capacities or would like to nominate another LifeBridge member for one of them, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee. The members are:

  • Vice President David Pacher (Chair)
  • Mr. Vic Grisbee
  • Mrs. Norma Summers
  • Mrs. Angie Wolfe
  • Elder Brackston Nutt
  • Mr. David Penner

Thank you and God bless!

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